It's Supernatural DVD Day!

Sep 05, 2006 08:37

SQUEE! I'm so excited I can barely stand it. :-) Boy, it's gonna be a long day at work! My incredibly wonderful husband will be standing outside of Best Buy as soon as the doors open in a few hours to pick up not only a set for me, but one for charityflint as well, since she has to work today, too.

Then Charity is coming over tonight and we're going to drown ourselves in SPN extras and the Paley DVD. I'm so excited to finally see all the goodies that other lucky fans already have.

My poor husband will be banished to the bedroom for the evening as Charity and I take over the TV and squeal for a couple of hours. :-)

Oh, and I'm wearing my Metallicar shirt today in honor of the DVD release. :-)

Let's see, how 'bout some other random musings...

First, I must thank my friend shadow_walker3. Because of her, myself and Charity were finally able to see the unaired pilot of Young MacGyver, with Jared Padalecki. Ummm....I can kinda see why it didn't get picked up. LOL! Jared looked like he was about 15 years old! I'm a huge fan of the original MacGyver and would have loved to have seen this spin off get off the ground. I think subsequent episodes would probably have gotten much better, but it didn't get a chance. I'm really glad I did finally get to see it, though. Jared's smile and laugh are wonderful. :-)

Second...I got to march in the Labor Day parade yesterday. Yay! It was for my Citizen's Fire Academy class. We were right at the front of the parade, sandwiched in between two of the huge engines. Can you said loud? Luckily the rain stopped right before the parade kicked off and held off until we were finished. The weather didn't seem to keep anyone indoors, as there were a zillion people along the sidewalks. I got to throw candy for half the parade then carry our banner for the other half. A couple news crews were out. Maybe I got on TV! :-) I hadn't been in a parade since I was a kid, so I really did have a fantastic time.

Kinda sad that yesterday marked the last day of summer, though. Hard to believe that June, July and August flew by so fast!

When I woke up yesterday morning and it was raining steadily, I resigned myself to the fact that there wasn't going to be a parade. At the same time I was hit by a plot bunny as I lay in bed listening to the rain. Eager to start writing, I got up and made some breakfast. I'd only gotten two sentences down when my husband said, "Um, it's stopped raining." I'm like "What? Now?! But I just started writing!" It killed me to have to put my writing away and get dressed for the parade. Luckily the bunny stayed firmly put in my head and didn't go hopping off while I was marching and throwing candy. :-) Got back home and pounded out Slowly, Softly, Gently in a couple hours and I'm really pleased with it.

And lastly...who else is enjoying Jensen in Dark Angel? When I found out that it was going to be shown on SF channel, my dear friend Charity said she'd tape the eps for me. Then she told me he was in 18 of the 22 eps. So I just went out and bought the second season on DVD. :-) I absolutely love the character of Alec and Jensen is freakin' HOT. Alec reminds me so much of Dean, with the cool car, the leather jacket, the smart ass attitude and even the humor. I've watched up through Brainiac so far, and I hear the next one, The Berrisford Agenda, is a really good Alec ep. Oh, and bonus for me, with Martin Cummins in this season as well. He was my favorite on Poltergeist:The Legacy!

Ok, that's all from here for today. Only six and a half hours until SPN DVDs!
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