Just read
this article and I couldn't agree more! Bring on the Supernatural video game someone!
Six TV Shows We'd Like to See Made Into Games
6. Supernatural (PS3, 360, PC)
The Concept
Two wisecracking brothers travel the US in a ‘67 Chevy Impala, fighting various Monster-Of-The-Weeks and generally saving us from all manner of sick evil.
Why should it be a game?
Because who wouldn’t want to cruise around in a Chevy, kicking the asses of vampires, werewolves, demons, children who look like fish monsters and the occasional horde of zombies? The game would be separated into episodes, each dealing with a different mystery that sees Sam and Dean Winchester tooling up with their trademark salt-firing shotguns and generally slaying evil. As with the show, each episode would mix action with investigation/exploration and maybe up the scares from its small screen counterpart, making for an interesting blend of gameplay styles. Plus it’s a far better choice than Heroes.
Fluid melee/firearms combat, Chevy driving sections, co-operative play and a one-liner button for whoever plays as Dean.