Friday. Thank you GOD

Feb 29, 2008 08:03

This has been a spectacularly craptastic week.

I've been in a depressive funk for five days straight now, and that's just not like me. Sure, I'll get down for a day or so but nothing like this, that's made me not care about anything. I have zero energy both at work and at home, where all I do is sit on the couch. I haven't even gotten on the computer at night for four days and I've gone to bed twice this week before 10 pm.

I know I can pinpoint some of this on the weather here. We've gotten over fifty inches of snow this winter. 50!! For god's sake this is Chicago, not Denver! This is the worst winter we've had in over 20 years. And it's just...exhausting. All you do is shovel and salt and dig your car out and then use up an enormous amount of energy just driving because the roads are so bad and the potholes so huge that every second you could be in an accident. And you've got to get up in the mornings a half hour early just to be able to get to work on time. And if you start at 6:45 am like me, dragging your ass out of bed at 4:30 am about 25 times now can really wear you down. [sigh] I'm seriously thinking I have a mild case of S.A.D. for the first time ever.

Then I had to spend $375 two days ago to get my brakes replaced. Yeah, that was fun. [sigh]

Then there was the shitstorm that hit my LJ yesterday, where my entire journal in general was called "scarily single-minded". Um, HELLO? What part of FAN JOURNAL is escaping you? Did you NOT see the 25 pics of Jensen I have on my layout? Should give you a clue of what I like to talk about. I suppose if I went to YOUR journal you'd have nothing but Shakespearean prose about ending world hunger and environmental concerns. Unfucking believeable.

I've also been struggling to write a story for Jensen's 30th birthday tomorrow. I've got everything in my head but it just will not come out and I don't know why. So that's making me depressed, knowing I'll never get it done by tomorrow.

Speaking of Jensen, I'm hearing that people do not want to see any squee over his birthday tomorrow. EXCUSE ME? Oh, so it's okay to squee over someone YOU like, but not who I like? Then you can just get the HELL off my journal because in case you hadn't noticed, I kinda like the guy.

Yeah. Really, REALLY not a good week.

So thank god for keepaofthecheez's Testimonial Meme yesterday, because I desperately needed to smile. And god you guys! You nearly made me cry! Thank you all again SO much for all of the lovely things you said about me. You picked me up when I was feeling really, really down. Big hugs to you all!! ♥

In an effort to try and shake off the rest of my blues, I popped in the SPN pilot last night before bed. And wow, I just couldn't help but think in just three short years how much the boys have changed, just appearance wise. What do you guys think?





They just keep getting better with age! :-)
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