Remember last year, when my Linksys wifi router just suddenly stopped working for no discernible reason, and I went out and bought a Belkin wifi router as a replacement? Yesterday, the Belkin wifi router stopped working, for no discernible reason.
Unlike the Linksys (which turned itself off entirely), the Belkin still works as a router, but it no longer acts as a wifi hotspot. I’ve currently got net through an Ethernet cable plugged into the router. If we had a second cable to spare,
bugsybanana could surf at the same time, but we don’t, so we’ve been switching back and forth with need.
Just like old times! And it’s 102°F (“feels like 107°”,
WeatherDock tells me), so I don’t really feel like going outside right now. Maybe in two or three hours it’ll have cooled off back into the double digits. I do have to do some shopping, though. We’re almost out of bagels, and we need Brillo pads to clean off the pan I used last night to make pasta sauce. Here’s the sort of thing a lack of Brillo pads leads to:
Me: I don’t see any Brillo pads.
BB: They probably all rusted.
Me: Rust never sleeps.
BB: Colorless green ideas do that for it. But they aren’t happy about it.