This guy over here? He was walking past the Starbucks right next to Yuka while I was sitting there sketching yesterday, while waiting for the other folks to show up for
feiran’s short-notice stuff-yourself-full-o-shushi fest. We had fifteen people, clearly a larger group than the restaurant was used to dealing with, and wound up around a series of tables strung together leaving us with two groups of all-you-can-eat people placing separate orders, and the waitresses bring one group’s stuff to the other end of the table, and vice-versa, somehow leading to everyone eating more than they’d intended. But anyway, doesn’t that guy have a great face? One that cries out to be sketched?
Afterward a bunch of us headed off to
bigscary’s place to watch his Farscape DVDs. Bigscary has hit upon a novel way of avoiding having to organize and store his DVD collection, by having me borrow most of it. The first four Farscape disks have joined the pile.
Oh, note to self: Y’know how you keep putting off clearing off your drawing table during the day, in favor of going out and doing daytime stuff, figuring you can do it in the evening, and then when evening rolls ’round, putting it off to the next day? Well, you’ve been doing this since Friday, and the table ain’t getting any cleared-off-er. Just sayin’.
Today’s waste of time was sitting in Ground, reading more of Mason & Dixon (which continues to be way drolly humorous) and doing still more sketching while putting off actually starting a web comic or a submission for SPX. (Also, see above about drawing table.) On the up side, I am getting the hang of that Japanese brush-pen, and I almost like how Melorne’s jacket came out in the sketch below.