bugsybanana and I missed the train we’d planned to take, so we were an hour late for Thanksgiving at my sister’s place in Mt Kisco, but it’s not like we were the last to get there. The public phones in Grand Central will call anyplace in NY state for 25¢, but cut off without warning after 30 seconds, not even giving you a chance to stick in more quarters. They’re Verizon phones; I don’t suppose I should expect useful public phones from a company that would rather I buy a cellphone.
So we got there eventually. Much food was eaten. There was not just one, but two massive-cheeked infants - my brother-in-law’s sister gave birth three weeks before my sister did, to a nose-nibbling bundle of energy. Did I mention that we ate a lot? Ooog.
Now I’m all tryptophan-woozy.