Weekend update

Nov 10, 2003 18:25

Friday: Didn’t play anything new at GC. Ido, Doge, Fluxx. Didn’t get in on either of the two simultaneous games of Puerto Rico. Ido plays much better with four than with two, and I probably would have done better if I’d bothered to ask what the victory condition was sometime earlier than two turns before someone else reached it. Doge goes much faster when people start passing up advisors to move houses around early in the game to grab up the cheap palaces. The “X = X + 1” card makes Fluxx even crazier than usual; I need to pick up a 3.0 deck. bugsybanana came home with me and stayed the weekend.

Saturday: Ran fourth session of Wander Angels. The PCs defeated the monster that had kicked their butts all over town last session, through the classic comic-book tactic of working as a team. The combat rules I’m using really reward ganging up. And they’ve figured out most of the origin of the monster - that it was summoned/created by a necromancer out of the ghosts of WTC dead using the missing person posters that were hung up all over town in the aftermath of 9/11.

Afterwards, Bugsy and I watched the bootleg DVD of Finding Nemo that I’d borrowed from my brother in law the previous week. Note to self: See Pixar movies in the damn theater! The details are worth seeing big.

Sunday: My niece’s naming ceremony (aka girl’s bris). Lots of people with babies there. I wondered if maybe my sister had put “BYOB” on the invites and people had misunderstood.

Today: Went into Manhattan to deposit some checks. Stopped off at various places for pigment markers, udon, sushi. Marinated lightly in self-loathing. Got idea for painting, one that I could probably sell for some good money if I did it big, but getting the reference photos will be tricky.

food, day2day, family, movies, boardgames, nyc

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