Dec 21, 2008 00:00
Name: Charis
Age: Eight
Height:...lolidk, I don't think it's really ever mentioned, so probably average?
Weight: Same
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black, falls to his shoulders or is cut shorter when somebody notices [:(]
Medical Info: Right arm and leg are slightly shorter/smaller than normal, which is not immediately apparent if you're just glancing at him, but noticeable if you're actually looking. Is otherwise healthy.
Physical traits: Racially, the Kyri are probably somewhere on the darker side of Asian; Charis, however, like his father, is abnormally pale.
Has a cane of polished wood with silver trim, which he uses to walk. He can walk without the cane, but only for short distances, and not very quickly.
Abilities: ...Uh. Can ride a horse all by himself without any special saddle or anything! ...So long as it is a horse trained to reins, anyway. Is also learning to sword fight, from his father. Is better than most normal eight year olds would be? But this is not actually anything like a useable skill yet, really. Can make very fancy braided jewelry out of leather straps and beads |D
Charis might have a little bit of something like magical power, but it hasn't really manifested itself, aside from making him more perceptive in recognizing creatures or objects with power.
What's okay to mention: Anything.
Notes for Psychics: Is an eight year old boy, thinking eight year old boy thoughts. Most of which probably center around how cool his dad is. Is 1/4 Mara, which probably does something interesting to his, I don't know, his aura or something, but doesn't really manifest itself as any particular thought pattern.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask me, but probably yes.
Main/Murder/Death: No, probably not. I mean, he's an adorable eight year old boy! Also, I have a feeling you'd have a very angry father and potentially some very angry Mara to deal with :(
Hugging/Kissing/etc: Is eight. So like...probably you can hug him.
Cooking: Is eight, cannot really cook. Can, however, eat. Oh boy, can he eat.