Mar 05, 2007 23:49
So yeah, I wasn't going to post anything of my frustrating day... untill now. The straw that broke the camels back.
Earlier today, in class there was a guy giving a presentation on Zbrush (fancy modeling tool) I know him, he knows me, we are jocular with each other. So he gives this presenation and well, I kind of tease him. So at the end he gets mad, muttering to himself "y'all can go F yourself". So I thought to myself, SHIT. He took what we were saying as real, and not just fun messing with him. So my first thought was, okay, I'll send him a PM over the schools Messageboard. But then I thought to myself.... What kind of man am I? Skrew this anonymous faceless apology. So I got up walked over to him and appologized, stating that my friendly teasing comes accross as general asshattery if you don't know me well enough. So that made me feel horrible. I don't like people thinking Ill of me.
So then, later today, friend comes online and starts gabbing about his boyfriend. Woo. Theeeen it goes a little farther and he starts discussing dirty details. And I tell him "WHoa, TMI" etc. And he keeps wanting to push it "no it's not" etc. So he gets a little offended, I state, and I'm quoting...
"I don't need to know every aspect of your relationship"
"I just don't like seeing inside of other peoples relationships, that's all".
That kind of stuff isn't stuff I need to know, it's private, between the two people in the relationship. Or, if you wanna get all psychobabble on me, sure It's probably my way of avoiding the realisation of how lonely I am.
So, he says "i dont think i like you at all anymore. thank you and fuk you mr dawson. have a good life. mr rude."
Holy FUck?! Did we just revert to fifth grade? The guy's 25 years old for criminey sake!!
Then, the ultimate symbol of maturity, he blocks me on AIM. :\ He's an okay guy, and I don't like the fact that he took what I said out of context, but considering I can't get ahold of him, looks like he shot the friendship in the foot.
So, as if that hadn't made my day shitty enough, I get online a few minutes ago to check my bank account. And lo and behold! Another swift kick to my nuts. I've got a fraudulant charge on my debit card! Wooo!!! And not for some petty shit, like 10 dollars, but for 110.99 to Amazon. So now my account is down from 175, to you guessed it.... $65. Criminitaly. Thank goodness for USAA. I was able to get a rep at 11:30 at night, and he worked it out, and is even gonna fed-ex me a new card so I'll have it in time for when Nikaw comes to visit, etc.
Ooooooh horrah for the randomness of life.