Oct 06, 2009 09:19
Sometime over the weekend, some malignant cancer on society hacked into my gmail account and then my Facebook account.
They (henceforward to be known as "the bastard") changed the passwords (and on the gmail, the secondary email address and security question) to stop me from getting in. I had a worrisome couple of days until I could prove to Google that I AM the owner of my Agro42 gmail account, at which point they reset the password for me and allowed me back in. This was a major concern for me, since I recently, like 2 weeks ago, stopped using anything but gmail for regular email duties. In fact, I canceled my cable modem service, thus losing the next most used email address I had.
The bastard does not appear to have sent anything from my gmail account, at least there is nothing I didn't send in the "sent" folder, but there is all kinds of registration confirmations and such in there. So now I'm logging into all the secure sites I can think of that I have accounts with & changing my passwords to far stronger ones.
The Facebook side is not yet resolved. I got an email from a real-life & FB friend who told me he got a FB chat from me over the weekend. Apparently, I am in London and was mugged at gunpoint and am stuck there in serious need of money. Fortunately, he knew that I am unlikely to be traveling internationally right now, what with 2 11-month old babies in the house and all so was not even remotely taken in. I don't know if he notified FB or someone else did, but sometime on Sunday, FB deactivated my account due to it being hacked. I notified them myself yesterday (Monday, after I got my gmail back) and received a reply that it is under investigation & they'll let me know. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it reactivated rather than having to recreate from scratch. That would suck donkey balls!
Anyway, this is just a note to you all to make sure to use tough/secure passwords on your important accounts.