I've finally got internet installed in my apartment so I can return to the ranks of LJ and startposting again. Luckily I have been writing and have two fics ready. Especially the long-awaited (let's just say I'm really late with that one) tennisfic. It's done, just needs a little tweaking. Not tomorrow, probably saturday or sunday.
In the mean time, I have a little Ronon fic. Ronon/Elizabeth pairing with Ronon/Teyla friendship and implied John/Teyla. I got into Ronon/Elizabeth after Lifeline and did one fic to see how I liked it.
I still have comments to answer and will definitely get back to that. Just wanted to say hi!
2bluaeryn ( Hey! Thanks for sometimes being the only one to read this journal...)
purple_cube ( Hi! I saw your post, I'll be in touch shortly! And gorgeous dress! )
tielan (Welcome back miss Tielan. I hope the big bad world was nice to you!)
And in the mean time seems my account is no longer paid. *sighs* Thank God tomorrow is payday.