(no subject)

May 10, 2004 00:38

ashley, what the fuck do you want for your birthday? Yesterday, i was gonna get you this really cute chocolate fish (cause i know how much you LOVE fish lol) but then I realized you're lactose intolerant. Now that I think about it, it would have been a great present, it's something you're allergic to, in the shape of something you hate. hahaha it's a good thing i don't hate you. now, if i had money, i would get you a car, but i lack the funds for that. actually, if i had the funds to get you a car, i think i'd probably buy myself a new one first. or not, i dunno.

anyway, friday we had fun in computers. we were doing this thing where we think of surveys we could do for the AAHS student body or what not, then voted on the two that we wanted to do. Topics for running:

+ Vote for Kerry or Bush?
+ Would Superman or Batman win in a fight? (haha laurian and mine <3333)
+ Should [annoying] freshman be kicked out of the locker cubicles during lunch?
+ Should condoms be passed out at school?
+ Do you agree with the war in Iraq?
+ [originally fear in the media, but that was just kind of screwed up in the viewpoints so it was changed] Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?

The winners were:
Superman VS Batman? (hahaha, laurian, arun, mark, and me are hardcore superman fans, while brandon and melinda are hardcore batman fans. see, it's a good topic, it should not get laughed at; we began debating the topic before we even voted it to be used]
Gay Couple Marriage? (i think that's what the other winner was, i'm not too sure though)

So mother's day, i actually got my mommy flowers this year. they're pretty. I like roses. Actually, I really really like roses. dark red roses... ahh. simple, yet never overused.

So the countdown to my birthday is now in the single digits. That's good. I'm a bit nervous about my road test though. I hope i don't screw up the signaling part for the parallel parking, cause i always forget to signal the second time (really, if you're going into a spaec to the right, why would you signal to the left, it'd make other cars think you're leaving hte spot, not going into it)

And whoo, friday I am going to the film festival with ashie. ASHLEY TELL ME WHAT TO GET YOU!

xx etcetera: what would you like for your b-day?
xx etcetera: something Ic an buy, and you can keep. I dont like to pay for things by the houe
xx etcetera: hour*

So Wednesday I've got the KHS concert to go to. Somehow this week beofre thursday, I"ve got to finish my Sacco and Vanzetti paper, in hopes that Mrs. Cav would look it over for me before i turn it in officially.

and i think i'm also going to the Naval Ball at MAST (how much is it?) hahaha so far the plan is to go, then afterwards we'll go to the movies in the limo (compliments of Cassie's aunt, whoo!!) to see Harry Potter 3 (i don't even think i've seen the end of HP2 yet) and the next day, if I can get off work, off to NYC. But I don't think I can get off work, which is okay I guess cause that means i get money. But I'd be dead tired. Oh well, i wander around like I"m dead at work anyway.

Wow, this entry is long. Oh well.
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