
Oct 13, 2007 14:03

I'm so damn frustrated with my eyes. I can't wear my contacts for more than three or so hours once every week or two. Because if I do wear them for more than three hours, the eyes go all entirely red and dried out - even if I've been applying rewetting drops like a fiend while wearing the contacts. I then spend all of my time wearing my glasses. Which... sucks. Back to being constantly annoyed by crap impeding my vision because glasses always manage to have something on them. Also, I spend all of my time with my vision being difficult to focus anyway - even with the glasses - because the tear sheath on my right eye is so shot that every time I blink it is ruined. Since the tear sheath is part of what makes focusing possible... this is both annoying and actively worsening my eyesight. Ironically, even when my eyes are completely bloodshot with my contacts in, my focusing problems don't exist. But my eyes look freaky and having your eyes entirely bloodshot (like the entire white is red completely) is just Not Good.

I was trying to research alternative contact solutions to see if maybe using something else would help, but... I'm at a loss. Everything that I found remotely sounding like it might help has long since been recalled or discontinued. Right now I've got Alcon's Opti-Free RepleniSH. I can't help but wonder if the problem is the solution. I spent just over a year with zero problems with dryness while wearing my contacts when using a different solution (which has since been, you guessed it, recalled and discontinued). Now, I'm sitting on a year's supply of new contacts that I just can't use. That's a lot of wasted money, since contacts aren't cheap.

I'm just so damn tired of the eye problems. I'm tired of having to add drops all the time (even when I'm wearing glasses). I'm tired of not being able to focus properly. I'm tired of regularly looking like an extra from a zombie movie. Just... tired. And, when my eyes are acting up, they contribute to an all around sense of physical tiredness that is just unacceptable. Unfortunately, I lack both the funds and the insurance coverage to really pursue this aggressively. And it's a mystery anyway. Of the three eye doctors I've seen/spoken to about this so far, it's an utter mystery as to what is causing it or what to do about it. Other than apply drops all the damn time.

health, whinging

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