Jan 30, 2010 15:36
suck my left nut. They will never receive a dime from me again. When Shit*Mart first opened in Middlefield there were 4 grocery stores in town. Now there is one and its a Giant Eagle so I won't shop there either for various reasons that don't belong in this rant. But I digress, let me explain.
Last night I was printing some checks when the ink in my printer gave out. I thought I had another but alas, I was out. No big deal, I thought, I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow anyway so I'll just grab one from Wank*Mart. That's where I've gotten my ink since they came to town; little did I know that they stopped carrying Lexmark products so no ink was to be had. Then, as I side note, my hands tend to get extremely chapped in the winter. Over the years I have tried numerous products to reverse this unfortunate event and have found that the only thing on the market that really works for me is Neutrogena skin lotion. Guess what? If you guessed that Wank*Mart stopped carrying that too then you get a symbolic gold star.
Over the course of the last year they have stopped carrying loose leaf tea, my preferred brand of coffee, my maple cream cookies, the shaving soap that I use, my brand of body spray and several other small things and now this. You know what Wank*Mart, you may be the only game left in town but fuck you up the ass without any lube. From now on I'll be doing my business in another town and it won't be with your ass run company EVER again. That is all, have a nice day...