Oct 14, 2005 22:13
Heh i gave a reading last night, and for some reason i ALWAYS get more nervous for those than i do for talks. Its weird i think its because there's no chance for a break, its just talking straight in front of everyone for 4 minutes. It gets stressful. Anyways, i did pretty good, i could have practiced more but i did better than i have for awhile. Ive noticed that praying helps A LOT before a talk or anything else, I could feel when I went up there, everything was going to be ok. Its the weirdest feeling, everything i was worried about just went away. I was still nervous, but i was able to fight through it rather than freaking out like i do sometimes. Anyways, last night was hectic, we watched a movie with the crazy study girls who are always a handfull. Then today i didnt do much after school. I REALLY wanted to, but no one else seemed to so i just sat around like i do every OTHER day, even though it was super nice. I went skating for a bit and that was ok, but other than that, not too much. Just finished cleaning up this little section in the TV room so now it looks halfway presentable. Im excited about tomorrow though, we're going bowling and that will be lotsa fun. There is something nagging at me though, i dont know if ill elaborate tonight, maybe after bowling. Although, im sure its just self importance saying that, because no one knows ive been writing here lol. Well anyways i will TRY and keep up in the future days and hopefully this will be a daily outlet again. Thanks to anyone who takes time out of their busy lives to read this drivel of mine. Cya!