You've heard it said that I'm a believer in the island, that I would risk the deaths of myself and my fellow castaways to learn its secrets. Well, I'm here to tell you that's a bunch of horseshit. I don't give a damn about the island or its mysteries. The truth is, the hatch, the plane crash, and everything else was a elaborate hoax created by green Martian aliens to observe what happens when a bunch of strangers are thrown together on an island and are forced to live together as friends, workers, lovers and enemies.
The truth is, everyone on this island is part of a Martin reality program called "Cooperative," produced by 20th Century Fox.
Yes, folks. That's right. The whole idea behind the island was a business move by none other than Rupert Murdoch himself. I am writing this to warn you all that Murdoch has not just taken control of earth, but the whole universe. He is in talks with his collaborative army to stage a hostile take over of
milliways_bar, knowing that its moderators would not sell the game to him regardless how high he payed for it. I'm warning you now that you must fight. I cannot form an army for you, but I know of three people who can help: Jack Shepherd, Ana Lucia, and James. You know James better as Sawyer. Jack is great with organizing and inspiring people. Ana Lucia can train. Sawyer has the guns.
Do not take my warning lightly: YOU MUST FIGHT.
Thank you and have a good day. :)