[Lies and Salutations, dear Vertigoers. Louis has parked his eminent rear smack on the single chair in his pod, feet propped up on his capybara, hands laced behind his head. He has been this way for the duration of the invasion, and you can bet any number of snazzy hats that he will remain so until finding out what participation has in store. Could he have contributed to the cause? Naturally! He's only as old as dirt, after all, some militaristic skills are a given. But unfortunately, Louis doesn't enjoy tending to other people's whimsies without due cause.
He is, after all, the Great Deceiver. Fallen angels tend to act with their own best interests at heart.]
My commendations to those of you of a combative cant on a job excellently done. Much more entertaining than sitcom re-runs, and I daresay the rodent population will suffer due depletion for years to come, thanks be to your efforts.
Drinks are on me, at your earliest convenience!
Yours truly,