Oct 01, 2006 18:08
I'm well. Been working away on the m1 for awhile now. Next week isthe last week this time (guaranteed) afterthat I might actually been spending time in Oxford. The downside I won't be seeing certain someone every week anymore, which will be shit. See what happens next week, but nothing probably will. Drink is the answer.
The house is alright. Not much to add. Still haven't got round to doing the things I had meant to have done. Shit. Nevermind. Will shall see if I am back on Oxford or sent off to Kent for 6 months.
The halloween party I am goingto was going to be movie icons. So I was going to go as Zorro. would have been very cool. However it is changed to X-men charaters. I really don't want to see my friends in spandex. However on the bright side I will be Nightcrawler!!
The rest is the usual. Pubs, works, meet new people, getting invited out on 'friend-date' things. Long story. More pubm still not drink regardless of how much I want to. New tattoo idea and the book is coming along slowly.
Shortly will betaking up fencing properly when I have the time. Need to buy ANOTHER new DVD rack.
Music collection grows. Laptop fund going well. Doing altrusitic good deeds.
Plodding along. Thats me, if anyone cared.