We had to right the end of an unfinished manuscript and defend our ending so here it is, though I have gone 2 pages over on both sections, I hope she won't mind.
And so the bold Christians advanced to the city of Milan, having been so refreshed by Lyonel’s generosity. But then the false Ganelon again spoke to Charlemagne:
“As I warned before they have crowned Garcy Sultan and he is indeed more dangerous and brutal than his brother. It would be a heavy blow if through treachery they were to deprive France of her Christian King, I have counseled you well in the past. Bishop Turpin is also mortally wounded. Some wise King should remain and attempt to have the good Bishop cared for and prepare for a defense of France. You have already named Roland your champion, have him lead the battle.”
Thus the traitor spoke and Charlemagne listened. At the last moment before the battle he declared the battle lines. Roland and Lyonel were to lead the men. Charlemagne again pressed the Bishop to remain and be cared for. So Turpin charged:
“Heretic before and heretic still! Charles this day you will rue. A heavy blow must befall you for your cowardice in turning from the defense of mild Mary and her Son who suffered for you. No King are you but rather Eve listening to the serpent’s lies!”
And Turpin turned his back to Charlemagne, preparing for battle, saying:
“Charles you should have been destroyed in Paris, but unless you repent and suffer your penance, none of the glory won for God this day shall be yours.”
Charlemagne was much saddened and shamed at this rebuke and he cried as he thought of his betrayal of the dreams and sword given him by God.
But to the battle, Turpin scaled the walls and was one of the first Christian knights to meet the Saracens. He and his bold clergy fought hard against their foes. The Chronicle will tell of none bolder than the Bishop who challenged every Saracen he came upon to convert, by faith, sword, or death. And truly that day Turpin converted and saved full 5000 souls who saw the light of God, and threw down their weapons seeking the mercy of Mary mild.
In the midst of heated battle Lyonel met with Tretigon, the son of the Sultan and they spoke:
“You are the famed Sir Lyonel who just now brought aid to the Christians when my forces would have surely defeated them. You are the same Lyonel who has now made such quick work of my 60,000 pagans. repent and give up your faith, worship Mahound or die.”
Thus Lyonel responded:
“I am he, but by Mary and her Son I shall never give up my faith.”
The two champions met in fierce combat each dealing the other such violent blows that the ground shook, as if two giants were leaping with all their might. One blow struck Lyonel’s helm and another trough Tretigon’s side until both were sorely wounded:
“You are a valiant knight, come and worship Mahound.”
“Nay, I answer, but I will hold to my faith forever, if it means I should die today than in Paradise shall I enjoy tomorrow.”
With that answer Lyonel summoned the last of his strength and liberated cleanly Tretigon’s head from shoulders. Than Lyonel too passed from existence.
“Ah, Charles, here was a knight that defended his faith so valiantly. We all are saddened to see him leave us.”
Turpin called out upon seeing Lyonel fall, and truly all were saddened.
As Turpin continued God’s work he noticed two young knights battling valiantly against a pack of Saracens. Around them were dead many pagans and the two fought boldly defending their stand. The Bishop joined the knights and finally succeeded in turning away the heathens. Turpin looked to the see what it was that the youths were so defending and found behind them a Crucifix and a statue of the Virgin Mother. One knight spoke:
“These pagans meant to destroy or do away with these statues, which house relics and so we vowed life and limb to protect mild Mary and her good Son.”
“Ah, the youth and knights of France do well to give example to their King.”
Turpin said as he left the youths to defend the relics.
Truly, the Bishop felt feint of his wounds and testing, but at the same time he was energized by the promise he swore and he and the remains of his army of priests moved though Milan converting and defeating the heathens boldly as none before had ever managed and few to follow could ever hope to imitate.
But where is Charles through al this battle. Finally he freed himself from the influence of the traitor, turning to Ganelon:
“You have been the serpent in my ear but now I must cast you off. You have counseled and betrayed me and I must go to now for the glory of God.”
And so the King headed for battle hoping it was not to late to do his penance. The King boldly moved through Milan aiding his knights and fellow Christians till finally he saw the Sultan before him, surrounded and protected by many of his own men.
Charles heard yelled.
“For Mary, her Son, Denis and France!”
answered the call.
The King turned and saw the two young knights move forward at the Sultan and his men. They gave great battle to the guards, finally defeating the pagans all and leaving the Sultan alone and unprotected:
“I have promised battle with your King not you, but where is he I don’t see him on the field.”
Garcy taunted the knights.
“Fear not, for here I am.”
Charles stepped forward and began a fierce battle with the Sultan until finally he made good on his promise and cut the Sultan in two.
As Turpin converted the last of the heathens he felt his strength leaving him. He turned and there beheld before him the likeness of Mary mild. In his vision she spoke to him reprimanding him for cursing the day she was born, but because of his Christian faith she rewarded him well. His penance was over and Turpin blinked to find the mild Virgin gone and his own wounds healed.
The battle done the King called for Mass to be said and the Bishop prayed for the souls of the dead. They gave thanks and praise to Mary, her Son and Denis. Then the king called forth the two young knights who had proved themselves so valiant against the Sultan’s monstrous guards. Turpin recognized the youths by their armor and praised them to the king for their protection of the relics.
“My knights, tell me who you are, for though you wear the armor of two regular knaves you must surely be lords of free stature.”
And so the first answered:
“My Lord, the Gentle Virgin appeared to me and told me of the need here in Milan and so I left my home and donned the armor of a regular knight, since I have not yet proved myself in battle, and feared i might shame my father’s house. As I journeyed I encountered and joined with Sir Lyonel and his bold men from Brittany. We battled hard as you know and in the fighting I discovered that the Duke of Normandy had earlier been killed. This grieved me much for he was my father. I am Richard and I wish someone could speak to me of how he died.”
Roland then stepped forward:
“Your father sent me word to have you leave off your hunting and avenge him. I am glad to find you here needing no encouragement. I was there that day as your father led his men boldly and we were all proud to call him our comrade. He was brave and died well with honor and glory.”
“And now you, Richard, are the Duke of Normandy succeeding your father. And who is this, your brave companion?”
Charles queried.
“My Lord I too had my father killed and was spurned to avenge him. I adopted as well these plain arms so that I could earn the honor due to my father's memory fully and freely. When captured we defeated the Sultan Arabas and fled to safety protected by God and Denis. I came here again to honor my father's memory. My name is Gy but I have no land for it was given to the bold Sir Lyonel.”
“Indeed it was, but that brave knight and Lord has fallen and so Gy of Burgundy you have honored your father well and for your faith and protection of the relics you shall have your lands.”
All rejoiced then for the young lords and the rightful renewal of their lands just as Milan was rightfully returned to the Christian faith that defended it.
With the completion of the final celebration, funeral rites and Baptisms all returned to France. Of the maidens given to Garcy all were converted, of the hawks and hounds Richard Duke of Normandy brought them to his lands. And of the invisible sapphire Gy kept it in memory of his bold father, the Duke of Burgundy.
There were several driving moments in Siege of Milan that had to be answered at the end. The most glaring and jarring moment was the naming of Charles a heretic and the subsequent siege of Paris. In his anger Turpin curses the King, vowing,
And here I curse the, Kynge!
Because thou lyffes in eresye,
Thou ne dare noghte fyghte one Goddes enemy.’
And a buke forthe gane he brynge.
And he sertayne soothe als I yow telle
He dyde all that to cursynge felle.
This was no manner of lesynge.(687-693)
Turpin has a power through his faith, it is hard to believe that this curse, that Charles should not fight the enemy and not gain the glory in the battle, would be ignored. So Charles had to be kept from the final glorious battle for some reason, and what easier way than through yet another treachery from Ganelon. The juxtaposition of Charles as the “eretyke” verse Turpin as a man of complete faith led to the decision that Ganelon’s treachery would be a temptation to both King and Bishop, with Charles giving in and holding out of the battle but Turpin moving forward and defending his faith.
This question of Charles remaining outside of the final glory-giving battle would seem easy enough, except for one other promise made in the work. As Turpin promised Charles should not fight Charles promised the Sultan that:
Appon one God and no moo,
In felde yif ever I see the mare
I shall by myghtfull God,’ he sware,
‘Hewe thi bakke in twoo.’ (1326-1329)
So while it is necessary for Turpin’s curse that Charles remain outside the battle it is also necessary that Charles make good on his own promise, which he swore by God. So the final treachery of Ganelon held Charles back to little important fighting until this final moment of glory when he filled his promise. So that although Charles was not destroyed as Turpin had earlier said should happen he was kept back and relegated to a lesser seat.
Turpin also had to suffer a great deal. Throughout the work Turpin calls upon both Mary and Christ to be his witnesses. Now in the final battle he forces himself to suffer continually in honor of Christ, but what of Mary whom he had earlier cursed.
‘Had thou noghte, Mary, yitt bene borne,
Ne had noghte oure gud men this bene lorne.
The wyte is all in the. (553-555)
Turpin blames Mary for the loss, but his faith is such that the reader knows he does not really mean to blame her, yet still it is said. Mary is referred to as mild or gentle and so it would not be right to have her come down from heaven and strike Turpin, but it was fitting for her to rebuke him later, and then show her own mercy and mildness in her healing of him, since he could not die here, his faith had to be rewarded. The penance he believes he is inflicting upon himself in honor of Jesus, actually becomes a penance enforced and sanctified by Mary.
The final point in the text that seemed to need answering was the treatment of the fathers and sons and the proper inheritance. Through Ganelon’s first betrayal both the Duke of Normandy and the Duke of Burgundy are killed. The first of the two that die is Normandy:
Bot of a knyghte me rewes sore
That in the felde lay wondede thore:
The Duke of Normandy. (289-291)
In his final moments Normandy called to Roland and asked him to send word to his son, to avenge him. Then he is granted an ecstatic vision where he sees the angels carrying off the Christian souls to heaven, as he declares this a Saracen stabs him through. Roland is spurred to fight at the outrage of thus attacking an already dying man and so kills several more pagans. It seemed out of place to have the Duke call for his son to avenge him and then not actually have the son appear. Perhaps that was the intent because if no son ever appears to avenge his death the call is left open to all young men to step into the role, but in this ending Richard comes boldly to avenge his father, sent forward by a vision, just as his father was granted a vision to end his battling career the boy’s is begun by a vision.
The second of the father and son combinations that seems upsetting is that between Burgundy and Gy. Burgundy and Gy are both at the first treachery of Ganelon. Burgundy leads the rear guard and encourages his men to bravery thus:
He comforthede alle oure nobyll knyghtis,
Said, ‘Lordis, halde your feldes and your ryghttis
And no Sarasene yee flee.
And thofe ye see thies lordis be slayne
Ne hope ye noghte for alle thaire payne
That ne we sall solance see;
By that werkynge of oure wondis sare
Of the paynes of helle fele we no mare
Bot to hy heven one heghe.’ (352-360)
and further:
Walde never no Crysten knyghte thethyn flee
Thoghe that he wyste ryghte there to dye,
I doo yowe wole to wytt.
Bot alle in fere thay endide righte thare
That sewede the Sarasenes sythen full sare
For lordis that levede the swete. (367- 372)
Gy is captured with Roland, Oliver, and Gawtere. When they are freed it is Gy that attacks and kills the Sultan and his men, instead of simply fleeing. Yet later the lands of Burgundy are given not to Gy but to Lyonel. The question of the inheritance of the land then had to be answered. Since Burgundy had already been given to Lyonel for Gy to retrieve it Lyonel would either have to die, a glorious and valiant death as he deserved, or else act cowardly, which was not an option. And so Lyonel battles with Tretigon, yet another son, and fights an epic struggle. The two were natural rivals having both come late with the troops needed to reinforce their comrades and secure the victory. With the death of Lyonel there was then only the need for Gy to battle bravely and bring forward the truth to his claim that he deserved his father’s dukedom.
In order for the two knights to win their lands they fought without distinction on their armor, this was they would have proven themselves worthy lords and therefore worthy of their father’s lands which they sought to earn by themselves. The work was far more interested in the importance of Christian faith than of France herself and so their actions had to be connected with the preservation of the faith. Mary and Christ were constantly brought to he forefront by Turpin’s prayers and so it seemed only natural that these should be the relics they defended. As to the battle with the Sultan’s men the two knights were proving themselves against the elite guard of the Sultan, if not for the promise made by the King to cut the Sultan in two I would have had Richard and Gy also defeat the Sultan, thus assuring their value.
The question of inheritance is present in more than just these story-lines. The reader is told that:
For landis that Rowlande solde have thare
Dede fayne he wolde that he ware,
The resone ryghte who redde. (175-177)
So Ganelon wishes Roland dead because of the lands that Roland has inherited that Ganelon desires. Also inheritance is brought forward when Charlemagne declares that if he were to die Roland would be King:
‘Sen ilke a man feghtis for his saule,
I sall for myn do mede.
Slayne in the felde gif that I bee,
Kynge off Fraunce here make I the,
With reghte the reme to lede.’
And so the need and desire for Gy and Richard to claim their rightful inheritances, as deserving them was present throughout, perhaps juxtaposed to the rightfulness of the Christians reclaiming Milan.