It's Monday morning. Had a great weekend NPCing at Madrigal. Got to play the Elven King at at the Mid-Summer celebration feast. I was very nervous about this role. I had other RP duties since I began NPC Madrigal, but this was the first "biggie" that had a lot of expectations riding on it. I believe it went off well, folks seemed pleased. (*whew*)
I really enjoy Madrigal, as I get to inject RP into almost any situation I find myself in, and folks will run with it. "Evil is a growth industry."
At one point on Sunday during a long field fight the PCs had just gotten water dropped off, so I wanted to let everyone get a drink before I stared tossing packets again, but I didn't want to just do nothing. So I stood off and began making faces at them and waving a packet around while they got some water. The PC's then began making faces back at me. It was my funnest moment on Sunday. Cool PC's! Thanks!
Since I play Accelerant and NERO I sometimes get my calls mixed up. (I am not a caster in real life.) I appreciate the good humor and understanding folks show me when I mess up like that. There is so much DIFFERENT info I have to keep track of as an NPC, and it always changes, I appreciate the slack I am given when I just get overwhelmed with different things. (Heal by faith, damage by malediction, or hunger, don't forget gloom! Wait, I'm a good guy for the next 15 minutes! AHHHHHH!!!! Ignore this index card please!)
All in all, I really enjoy my NPCing at Madrigal. I particularly like all the religious elements in this game. As a medieval history buff, I have an understanding of how critical religion was to ancient peoples. In the SCA and NERO religion is discouraged in any official capacity so it's kept to a minimum. In Madrigal and End Game it's a big part of the world, and it's really adds to the flavor of the game, more so that I thought it would.
Thanks everyone! See you all soon!