hello friends

Dec 15, 2006 23:31

It has been a really long time...I am sorry that I haven't posted. There are some reasons why I haven't, but I have been reading and sometimes responding to your journals...this helps me at least pretend like I am still connected to you all...I love that.

There has been a very large development in my life.

There is a girl...I have been pursueing her since Dec. of last year. I won't tell the details but it has a been a long road between us. Some of you might remember me posting back in July that there was a girl that I loved that I thought I would never be able to hold and have as mine. I was certain it was over between us.

But God has been gracious. She has been hurt a lot in her life and she has only allowed me to move very slowly. This has been good for both of us, but hard on me. Though our relationship looked like we have together for a very long time, we have actually only been officially together since Oct. 16th.

I won't say any more than what I have just said about us. We live in a very tight community here at seminary. Many of my seminary friends on here have expressed rules against dating in this community at all. The same reasons they won't do it is why Jen and I have not said a word to anyone about us. We have kept us quiet cause we love each other enough to not put each other's lives in front of very critical and community. Some of the same reasons Garrett-Evangelical is a great place are the same reasons you don't air out your laundry among them.

In any case, if you are a seminary friend, we are not hiding the fact that we are together anymore. We still will not talk about us, so please don't ask. It is out of love and respect for each other that stuff between us will stay between us. But, you can know that we are together and I am madly in love with Jen. I hope that you would support us in both those decisions.

If you are a non-seminary friend...I have good news...I am madly in love with a woman that is way out of my league and for some reason decided to love me back. God is strange that way.

So...God is good...and right now I am feeling pretty good.

Jen isn't the only thing going on in my life right now. I am also pastoring a church. I am the Assistant pastor of a congregation of 170 in Milwaukee. I recently found out that my pastor will be leaving on Jan. 15th. This could mean that I will end up pastoring until June when Methodists make there pastoral appointments. That is the bishops decision, so we will see. Things are going well there either way.

I have one 30 page paper and this semester will be done and I will be 2/3 done with my thesis. I am pretty excited about this thing. My advisor told the entire colloquim that "This is the kind of project that every professor waits in their office hoping to cross their desk."

He was a little over the top...but the project is quite exciting in any case and the professors really like its potential. If I ever do doctoral work, I may simply extend this thesis to dissertation length...it might be publishable if it was 200 pages or so...we will see.

OK...I think that is all...as if that isn't enough.

Thank you for your patience in my absence.

Love wins,
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