Unlike the rape comic, these aren't really all that offensive at all, mostly just kind of goofy and old-fashioned. I don't think the ubiquitous "STEWARDESSES LIKE SEX" punchline in most of these is really supposed to be funny so much as enticing, since it was written back in a time when women were instructed from birth that only hussies liked sex and that it was their feminine duty to lie back and think of the queen, so the idea of sexual partners who wanted sex was probably something of a novelty. And the only place that you could go to see women in short skirts without getting shamed for it was airlines, so, huh, I guess that made this joke book a safer outlet for our collective sexual repression than, say, a joke book about strippers or something.
Then again, there are nipples in this, so who know how repressed we really were back then. Trying to read a by-gone society through its art is kind of tricky, especially when you're not a TRAINED ANTHROPOLOGIST but just some yokel who finds stuff at a flea market.
I'm mostly charmed by the old school men's magazine style of the illustrations. Especially the lass on the right who seeming to be thinking GOLLY GEE WHILLIKERS at the thought that she might catch a glimpse of Scottish penis.