Title: Reichenbach Variations
Author: Ancalime8301
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 700 (5 drabbles and 1 double-drabble)
Characters: Holmes, Watson, Moriarty
Warnings: character deaths
Summary: The confrontation between Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty could have happened a number of ways: five ways it could have gone wrong and one way it could have gone right.
A/N: This has been percolating since January, when it was inspired by the
shkinkmeme prompt that asked for a different ending than what was portrayed in the movie (only the last portion actually fits the prompt ;-) ). I've been wanting to try the 5+1 form for a while, and since I wanted to try more than one alternate ending, this seemed like a good time for it.
On my LJOn AO3