Sep 21, 2005 00:05

Well a lot has been going on lately. Jeannette was here last weekend, and it was awesome to have a touch of home. We saw the Brothers Grimm on friday and despite popular opinion, I thought it was really really good. I just liked the whole incorporation of the fairy tales, and the era of course. What I didn't like was the silly love story. It was under-developed and confusing. Any crap, we saw the exorcism as well, because we just did ok! It wasn't as scary as I had hoped but it was still good. Man Jeannette cracks me up, most of you should know that I love to yell things out the car window to people. Well she was freakin' hilarious! "Yo jesus had dem same sandles!" and "I got that skirt in red dawg!" or "Hey you can study my books!" She was really making me laugh!

But yes of course I was upset when she left, I'm just ever so homesick. But each day is easier, and I'm trying to get home sometime very soon! So fingers crossed man!

I'm in a very weird place right now. Sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place, so bear with me people. I know I ask a lot of my friends, but just have patience with me.

Corpse Bride this weekend people! WHOOOOOOO

Ok 3 Statics problems to finish and then sleepity sleepity sleep!
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