Nov 29, 2006 13:34
Joined SG TRePidation.
It's a "Seasoned Gamers" Xbox Live clan. Before November, it was predominantly Halo 2 players. But, now that Gears of War, Rainbow 6 Vegas, and Call of Duty 3 are out, folks are sliding farther and farther away from Halo 2, and closer and closer to Gears and the others.
I don't really have a problem with this...except that I'm only having fun on Live now when I play with my clanmates.
Thanksgiving marked the beginning of a thousand unit sale of Xbox 360's at a steeply discounted price - a hundred bucks, to be exact. I didn't have a hundred bucks, so I'm using my Allstate motor club to tow Paul's 240SX to Tampa, and he gave me a hundred bucks to get this 360. Problem was, I didn't have a direct LAN connection to Amazon, so I got fucked. Oh well. I found one of those "Get a free _______ when you participate in ______ sponsored offers!" deals, and I signed up for Netflix and GameFly. So now I get a free 360, plus I get those two services for the next three months. I wanted those things anyway. I just kicked the system in the nuts. It's gonna end up costing me around $120.00 to pay for the three months of both services, but that's only 20 bucks more, and I'm getting a premium system instead of the core system. (Premium comes with a wireless controller, Live headset, and a 20GB Hard Drive, and the Amazon sale was advertising Core systems).
In other news, I got laid off from Quizno's. Joseph said something to the effect of "your position isn't necessarily viable to the company right now, and we can make more money if we don't have to pay you". I told him to shove his bullshit explanation up his skinny Egyptian ass.
So now I'm jobless....thankfully, Eric from church is a cabinet installer (he's got a business, EKB Installations) and he had a couple of jobs this week that were rather he asked if he could pay me for the help I could give him. I said yes, and so I went on Monday, and I'm going again tomorrow....each job is worth $150 dollars to me, so on Friday, I'll get paid $300 after taxes for two days work. Pretty good. Only downside is that it's a 12 hour day, and I have to wake up at 5 a.m.
So now I'm putting in applications everywhere....I wanted to be a server but no one around here wants to train servers; they all want people with experience. That's fine; shove it up your ass. I've applied at banks, coffee shops, Wal-Mart, even CVS pharmacy.....haven't heard back from ONE place yet. Not a one.
Oh well. Keep your fingers crossed.
- (MS) DG out.