Jan 21, 2007 03:40
whats going on... im in a crappy mood right now so be perpared. these past few months have just been crappy in general for the most part. Its been so tough trying to get over sara.. i mean i guess when u date someone for almost 2 years its not overnight that u can move on from it. Im so glad im still friends with her. Yeah it prbly has made it tougher but i just couldnt imagine just totally cutting her out of my life compelety. Its just not my style, and I still care for her well being.
Then beyond that having my parents being in German has been a lot tougher than i thought. Altho i think im finally getting used to it. I still talk them a few times a week which is good, but it just doesn't feel the same as knowing therye only an hour away. I dunno it's hard to descire, you kind just have to experince it for yourself. It will be cool to go out and visit them at spring break and over the summer. The only thing that will suck about the summer is that means i won't see my friends from home altho i guess everybody is gonna be all over the place anyways.
Living in a single in the dorms has also sucked. None of my friends really live in the dorms anymore. So half the time i end up eating meals by myself, Which im so sick of dorm food. 3 years of dorm food is just way too much.Also it seems like ill sometimes go a few days without talking to people beisides like online or exchanging a few words with someone in one of my classes. I just want this school year to be over with. Next year living in cedar village with kevin is gonna be a lot of fun, I look forward to it. As for now i guess i just have to keep going through things and hope for the best.
Just under 3 months till im 21! Hell ya