These are just a few head canons I have for Chuck. Some of them are serious, others are just for fun. I'll be adding to them as I think of them.
- Growing up, Chuck had a crush on Raleigh Becket -famous Jaeger pilot and hero. Of course, due to being completely unaware of the fact that he had a preference for men, Chuck was never really unable to admit it, to himself or anyone else. This doesn’t change that he had a Gipsy Danger poster on his wall.
- He hates flying alone and uses his name and status to get his own way with airlines, ensuring that Max is allowed to be with him whenever his father (or someone else he knows) can’t be.
- As well as being extremely intelligent, Chuck is incredibly creative. He drew a lot as a kid and often drags out his sketch book when he can’t sleep. He’s also a rather good singer, though he keeps that secret mostly for the shower. (Based off this image.)
- Chuck is surprisingly good with kids, despite never really getting a chance to interact with them after his mum died. His entire attitude changes when he’s around them, including a sudden ability to remain calm despite frustrating situations. He does however hate their habit of asking ‘why?’. (Based off this gifset.)