Mar 22, 2007 17:16
"I was not raised in a religious home, and I have received no indoctrination. I enjoy philosophy and rational thought. I am very well educated and have several members of my family who are "hard" scientists. By examination of the data and science that currently is available to us, this information does not indicate the absence of God. Instead, it actually does the reverse. Most religions are very simplistic and try to convey something very complicated very simply. People then discount this, due to it's simplicity. This is like disputing that the earth is round, because the ground underneath my feet is flat. It is both flat and round, at the same time.
If God doesn't exist than what am I standing on?
Cynic: The ground.
Me: Well, where did the ground come from?
Cynic: The ground is composed of many different elements. It is the layer of organic matter and pulverised rock that covers the earth.
Me: How did the earth get here?
Cynic: The earth was created by the force of gravity, as particles in space produced by stars were pulled into orbit around our home star, Sol.
Me: Where did the stars come from?
Cynic: The stars were created also by gravity. Hydrogen, helium, and trace elements created from the Big Bang coalesces until a fusion reaction is reached.
Me: What is the Big Bang?
Cynic: The Big Bang was the theoretical beginning of our Universe. Everything that exists now on earth as well as everything else in the Universe was created from a gravitational singularity. Before this the Universe existed as a super dense, incredibly hot energy state equilibrium that for unknown reasons expanded into what we see and experience today.
Me: What was there before the Big Bang?
Cynic: There was nothing before the Big Bang. There was a neutral medium of energy, in homeostasis. There was no time and there was no space.
Me: So Everything came from nothing?
Cynic: Yes, something came from nothing.
Me: This does not make sense. Something can not come from nothing. For something to exist it must come from a source. Stars do not wink into existence, you said they come from particles of hydrogen and helium.
Cynic: That is true.
Me: So, the creation of the Universe defies the laws of physics that we know created everything we experience?
Cynic: Yes.
Me: Wait, that is counter intuitive. How can you beleive that Everything comes from nothing?
Cynic: Faith.
~Science leads us away and back to God. Science can explain how everything happens, but it cannot explain why everything happens. There is no rational explanation for why we are here, or why the Universe came into existence. Statistical probability for us existing reaches some impossibly slim numbers. When you factor in the cosmological constant, the probability reaches nearly zero. We exist in an impossibly improbable reality. I think most people who do not beleive in God, would aknowledge that this could be described as a "miracle".
It is the height of arrogance to assume that we know everything about the Universe. We, as a species, have barely evolved to the point of understanding the question. Much less to the point that we have the answer. If you are looking for a sign that God exists, just look around you. Everything is God, and God is everything."