May 07, 2005 10:01
Im so tired of everything its not even funny. metamora high school is fucking gay and i wanna burn it down. i have a total of 4 wonderful friends that i know will never stab me in the back like everyone else does. im fucking tired of work. i want to quit. McDonalds has so much drama its not even funny. I just wanna burn the fucking place down. My mom for the life of her will not sign guardianship over to becki and john. its pissing me off. the only reason shes doing it is b/c she still gets child support. i just wanna live in fucking peace. away from here! cut the drama that ive started and the drama that other people have started. Start with a clean slate. but i cant do that... ive lived here all my life. i cant leave my friends. the ones i have left.
<3 Teamo