Oct 24, 2005 12:32
I am updating this thing right now as I am at work bored out of my skull and getting paid to do it. I have done nothing today besides surf the internet, and I am not kidding. It has been all day! Nothing real exciting to report on the weekend. Went to a bday party on Friday where i proceeded to get super intoxicated. I know, there is a collective gasp of surprise there. I was so drunk that a girl that I had commmented on earlier actually came over to talk to me and I was too preoccupied to even acknowledge her. I guess i shouldn't bitch about being single when I do things like that huh?
Saturday was pretty stupid. I woke up early on my buddies couch, head pounding from what i can only assume was too much tequila mixed with a super strong black russian and a Milwaukees Best Light right before bed. I know, I have such high standards. Went to lunch with mike and his mom. Felt gross for even being out in public with the way I must have looked. Anyhow, went to work at the bar and proceeded to be bored all nite long, make no money, and look at the few pretty girls that actually were around. Hey, it is Rosemount, what you gonna do?
Sunday, by contrast was friggin' awsome!!!!!!!!!! I slept in, which was nice. Watched some football and relaxed while waiting for friends to come over so we could go to see one of my favorite bands, the Dropkick Murphy's. We got there early in order to get a table because a couple people weren't really too into the concert scene. I had a few beers and Di bought me a DKM's zip up hoodie for a bday present so that was pretty cool. Then the Murphy's came on and I absolutely lost it. Not as much as I usually do at say a Korn show or Static-x per say, but i was pretty active nonetheless. I think I acutally scared my roommate a bit. Anyway, they rocked my fucking face off!!!!!!!!!!! And now, here i sit at work. Bored out of my skull. Fuck yeah for mondays.