Henya! This month is the anniversary of me joined in Arashi and Eito fandom! It's been 2 years since I joined in Arashi fandom, and a year in Eito fandom, yay!
I'll post about my first Arashi and Eito PV and bangumi that I watched. Oh and about my new favorite JE group ^^
The first time I know about Arashi is from this bangumi (and these episodes):
Himitsu no Arashi-chan ep. 21
Himitsu no Arashi-chan ep. 41
These episodes were hillarious! With scaredy cat Arashi (minus Sho, and Jun kept his cool but failed), and baka yet kakkoii Jun and Sho xD A friend (who's not in JE fandom at all, she's K-popers) showed these to me, but I wasn't that interested in them, not until I saw Message From Japan video, Jun's hair was sooo cute back then, and I love the song so I began to search about their other songs and began to watch their PVs
The first Arashi PV that I saw was:
We Can Make It!
I love the song, but because at that time I'm not accustomed to dancing guys, so I was a bit... yeah you know.. But now I really like to see dancing guys (especially JE guys) xD
The first Eito PV was:
It's My Soul
sakumo114 showed this to me, I was like "Uh...? What the...?!" because they were wearing short pants xD At that time I wasn't interested in them, but then I watch Ryuusei no Kizuna and I knew that a member of Kanjani8 was in there too, a friend (who was watching the drama with me) got interested in Ryo, so I promised her to search Kanjani8 PV. And the PV that made me curious and interested in them was:
I was surprised that their pronunciation was really good. Then I searched more of their PVs and found Fight for The Eight, and yes I was completely fell for them, that PV is too damn cool!
The first Eito bangumi that I saw:
7 Okans skits ep. 13 from Honjani
After watching this I was totally accustomed to their weirdness uniqueness and loudness haha xD
Okay that's a little bit of my Arashi and Eito fandom history.
Now I got interested with these 5 guys:
Especially these 2 people:
Kawai Fumito and Totsuka Shota
I knew them since they were still being Jr., especially from Shounen Club and from KAT-TUN's concerts because they were KT's backdancers back then. But dunno why after I watch their debut PV (which only a week or more ago) I got interested in them, though I got interested in Fumi since before.
The last (new) Johnnys that makes me squealing a lot was Hikaru (Hey! Say! JUMP). Now this ^^
Seems like I'd follow almost all of the Johnny's groups. But the main are still those 4 groups I think ( v"^_^)v
Have some YabuHika love (I ship this pair!) to show my feeling towards JE now
P.S. I'll make a fanart for Massu and Shige's birthday later. So birthday post will come late --" And yay 2 months vacation already here! Hello there my hometown, Jakarta! \(^o^)/