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afterlife: i think when you die, you stay dead.
abortion: its not my body, its not my choice. i dont care
God/gods: i really just.. dont care.
guns: dont kill people, dangerous minorities do. (joke, obviously)
politics: vote kerry '04
marriage: not for a long time
homosexuality: gay
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Comments 10
afterlife: it's a possibility. i guess we'll all find out
abortion: not for me, aside from extreme cases of health and/or circumstance-- totally pro-choice though.
God/gods: i'm catholic. but i acknowledge that other people's God/gods are entirely possible & accept all faiths.
guns: not in my fucking house -- i've very opinionated about guns. i wont get into it
( ... )
abortion: Its her choice, a hard one that she will have to live with.
God/gods: There's sumthing out there i dont know what.
guns: people pull the trigger and aim them
politics: vote kerry '04
marriage: if you find that person, go ahead.
homosexuality: gay marriage is being legalized in MA. thats good.
censorship: should not be forced upon people
dealth penalty: should only be administerd by the Supreme court.
abortion: I'm pro-choice because women have the right to do what they want with their body and there are some circumstances where I think it's completely reasonable.
God/gods: If you asked me I'd say I believe in God, but that's more because it's nice to have something to believe in.
guns: should not be sold at walmart.
politics: as long as bush doesn't go back to office, I'm happy
marriage: someday
homosexuality: fine with me, gay marraige being legalized is a step in the right direction.
censorship: should not be as strong as it is.
dealth penalty: definitely for the death penalty, only for more extreme cases though.
abortion: SAVE ROE! pro choice.
God/gods: agnostic
guns: should all be pink plastic with water in them.
politics: piss me off.
marriage: is for everyone. every single person no matter what.
homosexuality: is just as good as heterosexuality.
censorship: eh. stupid.
dealth penalty: no good.
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