(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 17:43

1. List 25 things you want to do before you die. They don't have to be the top 25, just 25. Don't list obvious or simplistic ones like "Fall in love" or "Find true happiness".
2. List them exactly in the order you think of them
3. Tag the first 25 people who come to mind. Tag the last 25 people who posted on your wall. Tag the last 25 people you talked to in real life. Tag the last 25 people you had sex with. IT DOESN'T MATTER! Just tag 25 people. Or 26 if you're feeling rebellious. Or 27...oh whatever just list AT LEAST 25 people.
4. Tell each of them to do this survey/game/chain mail thingy. Personally.
5. Upload a random picture. Do not explain it whatsoever.

1.Travel around the world
2.Go to Otome Road
3.Plant some sunflowers in my garden
4.Go to Prussia(I don't even know where)
5.Throw a rotten egg into my teacher's face
6.Watch some musicals
7.Make my parents proud of me
8.Learn Russian/Japanese
9.Learn parkour
10.Own a treehouse
11.Own an original doujinshi
12.Witness the WW3
13.Be a WWF volunteer
14.Getting lost in an unknown city
15.Learn to knit
16.Buy things online
17.Learn to manipulate a marionette
18.Have a decent amount of self-confidence
19.Shoot 10 times bull's eye
20.Sleep well
21.Sky dive
22.Own a kite
23.Participate in the polar bear swim
24.Make at least 10 close friends
25.Learn to draw decently

I tag anyone who's willing to do this meme(Without spending 1 hour thinking about unnecessary stuffs like me :D )

I'll upload some pics when I finally figured out how to upload them.
m(_ _)m


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