Too bad. I was actually going to check this out. My friend who's a big long-time Don Johnson fan told me about this show. She always ends up writing DJ character slashfic around whatever show he is on. I was talking to her recently because I remembered that he was SFPD in Nash Bridges and Monk is SFPD now. I need all the help I can get with that. Nash was an "Inspector" and damn proud of it. Very misunderstood rank when it comes to San Francisco PD. Randy could tell him what to do and he'd have to call Randy Sir.
So she was just starting some stories and they were kind of mirroring mine in the age difference arena and then, sorrow of sorrows, the show's life support was cut off very quickly. My mother used to be a Miami Vice fan. It seems like that show wasn't given much of a shot. I never even got to see it. Don Johnson, if my friend is any example, in a show like that where he has a male 'partner' of any kind, is just slashfic fodder. The WB web site called it a 'comic drama' sort of reminds me again of Monk. Depending on your proclivities, the title of the show, "Just Legal" could've sent some gals into heaven with slashfic.
I am taking a bit of time off from my longer S/D story to work on a tasty vignette, pieces of which came to me while I was exercising. As you watch Monk, the things that make this sort of relationship interesting to slash, and unusual for me, are the 'Man Friday' things, the fact that they are of one mind, that Leland can turn his head and Randy is there with whatever he needs at the moment even if Leland isn't aware of what it is he needs just then. But how will the captain reciprocate? That's worth contemplating. The last 2-3 weeks have been intense for me with work and other things and then this silly vignette jumped into my mind and said why not write something to take a break from it all? :-)
Don Johnson talks about Just Legal