Jan 29, 2005 16:27
Well the boyfriend is talking to me again.... infact he's phoning me later for a chat and whatnot. Things are looking ok I think... he's opening up and being honest with me so im just gonna do the same and hope for the best.
why are you still up?
because im designing the worlds most beautiful fairy wings?
look about that security guy
i have issues with him too
he is going out with a good friend of mine Jodi
ah ok
and he cheats on her
with another good friend of mine
who is going out with a good mate of mine
hm, wanker.
so its a fucked up situation
I can see :S
and my Girlfriend tihnking he is cute was just a "kick in the dick" as one would say
ah, fair enough.
im just worryed about geting hurt
meh, well im sorry anyway. It was a passing and undeserved comment.
yeah, so am I.
i kind of dont want to get too close incase you mess me up
yeah and im not worried about the same?
one of those things only time will change
well are you willing to spend that time with me?
id rather talk about this face to face
ok, well just find some time and we'll talk.
Im gonna make him feel special and secure... dont ask me how though. It is my goal.
xxx Peace, Love and Contraception. xxx