Dinner: cheese, rosemary crackers, and a mix of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
Music: Currently (popplagiõ) by Sigur Rós, courtesy of Winamp on random and
this playlist of music that I thankfully had copied to my laptop for a previous night with friends (back before my desktop failed).
There's a pot of coffee brewing now. I exchanged a few spoonfulls of regular grounds for some Cinnabon flavored coffee. That's me--living on the edge and all.
I have a huge three-pillar candle lit. My mother bought it for me for Christmas. It smells good. She usually gets me the vanilla version for my birthday and Christmas (which are conveniently spaced exactly 6 months apart), but they didn't have it this time. This one is good, though it doesn't hold a candle to the vanilla scent.
Yes, pun very much intended.
Accomplished a few things today, but not too terribly much. Did some tweaking to journal entries from last year in preparation of printing them. Sort of odd to reread things. But good sometimes, too. Decided not to do a few things on my list for today until I do some more thinking on the matter--they might not be such good ideas after all, given the way my thoughts are leaning lately.
it swallows me whole (ambient mix) by Rosewater Elizabeth now up.
I'm trying to decide on what I should be working on right now.