Lost treasure 2/3 YooSu

Feb 13, 2010 11:50

Sorry id I made everything complicated and hard to understand. The first part before YooSu childhood is about Yoochun... if I say more it will spoil everything, you could say it's a continuing to my JaeSu fic, but NOT! as well. I think it will become clearer in the end.


My destiny changed from that day. Pandora’s Box was opened from that moment. Do you know what came out first?


I was on my way home with my friends. They were called Jaejin and Teamin. They both talked a lot like adults just that the content of their talk was about aliens and monkeys.

They were funny to play with and could constantly make me laugh.
“Hyung can we call you by your name or maybe a nickname? It’s no fun to call you Junsu-ah all the time when we’ve know each other for a month already.”

It didn’t matter to me and so I allowed them to call me Su, because that’s what hyung normally called me.

Hyung called me Su but why did I have to call him hyung? Can’t I call him Yoochun instead?

Yeah I would tell hyung and let him decide if I could.

We arrived in front our house and we said goodbye to each other.

I unlocked the front door and stepped inside. Omma was away on a business trip and hyung was having private piano lesson.

So today would just be appa and me.

The sky outside was dark and inside our house I lit all the lamps. What if the bogyman came again? This time I would be prepared.

The front door clicked and I rushed off to greet appa. I jumped on to him and my mouth went off like a racing car, I told him about everything we did in school and he listened to me without complain.

Appa was the best appa in the world and that is what I told him. While preparing dinner for us two he chimed a lullaby called Lovin’you which he had composed to omma when they were younger. I loved the melody and tried to mimic appa.

Suddenly he stopped, he stopped cooking and turned to me. I ran off to the living room and jumped on the couch.

I thought appa was playing with me and I called “Appa, catch me if you can.”
He turned up behind me and tackled me down. I was giggling in delight and twisted around in his grip when he tried to tickle me.

No. Those hands, those terrible cold hands, the same cold and rough hands as that night were around my body again.

Fear was reflected upon my eyes. I screamed and shouted for help. I kicked around furiously and somehow aimed just at the right spot.

He let go of my feet and I ran. Without his grip on me I hurried to my room. There I locked the door and looked for a place to hid.


I would hide in the closet and wait until hyung returned. But today was wednesday and hyung would come home late.

I looked at my watch and saw it was only six thirty. What should I do? I didn’t dare to step outside the closet because of appa.

I couldn’t believe it. Appa the best appa in the world wanted to hurt me. Appa was the bogyman.

Someone outside was shaking the door handle and I knew that appa really meant it. He wanted to hurt me and wouldn’t give up. The door handle was old and rusty. With a few more tries he succeeded to break it and entered my room.

I muffled my out petit cries with my hands. If appa discovered me he would kill me. There was no sound, only an eerie silence ringing like a ghost whisper in my ears.

Then I heard footsteps moving closer to my hiding place. No I was discovered. Through a little crack I saw a pair of feet outside my hiding place.

The closet was opened and I saw appa. He looked at me with glistening eyes, which belonged to a dormant beast.

I knew that I was going to get killed. I was going to get killed by appa.

I was indulging myself that everything would be alright. You would be there to protect me and I had nothing to be frightened off.


That night hyung returned very late because even in my limbo state I was still aware of hyung’s footsteps. Hyung went to my room to give me a goodnight kiss but only returned to knock on appa’s door.

Appa opened and told lies to hyung. He told hyung I wanted to sleep with him tonight and that I was already asleep.

When he returned and sat down beside me I spoke to him with my last unth of strength “lies all lies.”

What appa did to me I didn’t understand, just that I was hurt, my body ached and hyung had to know. Hyung would save me and protect me.

The next morning appa told me to keep yesterday’s event a secret from hyung, but I was determined to tell. “No appa, you hurt me and hyung has to know.”

“If Yoochun finds out he won’t like you anymore. He wouldn’t play with you and not even to look at you. You know why? Because you had appa inside you.”

“It hurts to have appa inside Su? Appa hurt me, why is it wrong to tell hyung?”

“When you grow older you’ll understand. And appa will be coming to you more often.”
He left me alone in the bed to think it over.

I was torn between two options. One was to tell hyung and have him hating me for the rest of my life or I could just keep it a secret.

I tried to get up but only fell back to the bed again. A red fluid ran down my legs and it felt like I had peed on myself. But the pain from my rear was intense and I let out a wince.

Appa came back with a warm towel and told me to lay down. He pressed the towel into my ass and started to chime Lovin’You.

“Appa is just going to make you clean now so don’t move.”

Tears started to once again well up and I sobbed to myself because the pain was so freshly branded onto my cherub skin.

“Hyung it hurts.” I murmured as appa was fixated on cleaning me. But no matter how many times he wiped me ‘clean’ I still felt dirty.


It all happened under your eyes but you didn’t notice anything. I called out to you but not respond were heard from you.

Hyung still played with me as before but I was not as hyper as before. I no longer sent him out on strange tasks or asked anything of him.

I only treasured the moments I spent beside next to hyung because I knew it all was temporary. Hyung would leave and I’d be all alone again.

I started to dread the time I spent with appa. He would so casually come on to me and started to hurt me again.

“Su what is that mark on your neck.” I slipped my hand to my neck to cover the marks.

“Heheh nothing hyung. Hyung I want to ask you something.” I tried to draw his attention elsewhere and remembered something.

“Hyung can I call you by your name instead? All my friends at school call me by my name you also call me Su so can I call you Yoochun?”

He thought over it and nodded. “Yay. Yoochun Yoochun Yoochun.”

“But not Yoochun. Call me Chunnie.” I was so happy. He allowed me to call him Chunnie.

Would you have stayed and spared me of all the pain if I had asked you?

“Shhhh. Su don’t cry, hyung will call you and we can always write to each other.”

He looked terribly guilty when seeing me cry. But I was crying for different reasons.

“This is the last call. All passengers should immediately check in.”

After hearing that I cried even harder and hyung looked into my eyes. I could see he was wavering if he should go or not. If I cried just a few more drops maybe he would stay. Please stay.

A pair of cold hands pulled me back and a stern voice spoke ”Yoochun you don’t want to miss your flight. I, your mother and Junsu will be waiting for you.” He walked forward and pulled hyung into a fatherly hug.

‘Don’t be fooled hyung.’

“Su I’ll come back during the vacations so we can play.”

‘Empty word, all empty words.’

I cried on top of my lungs, out of sadness and grief of my own future. Because I knew what was waiting ahead of me was not happiness.

I stood there until you walked away. Praying that you’d turn back but not even once did you look back.

I waited for your calls every night. I held the phone when I went to bed. But not once did you call.

“Su, appa is coming in.” He opened the door stark naked and I stared upon my doom.

A letter pulled me through.
Hyung wrote a letter to me instead. In it he said that I he was sorry that he couldn’t contact me earlier. The school prohibited any phone calls and letters were only allowed to be sent back once a month. Tears streamed down my face. Hyun hasn’t forgotten me, he still remembered me.

He told me about his life there, the new friends he had made. In my view he was happy to be there, experiencing new stuff seeing a new world, while I was left here in this hell.

But for hyung’s sake I would endure it all because he was my sole reason for living.

Winter came and summer passed, my life continued and I grew up. Let me fill in the pieces.
Mother had fallen ill and was sent to America where she could get a better treatment. There hyung took care of her, else he would have returned after graduation. But for mother’s sake I forgave him.

At school I learned a lot of things. Such as having intimate relationships with family members were wrong. I also came to realize my feelings for you hyung.

I loved you, not as a family but as an equal human.

They taught us that some things in the world were taboo and was never to be done. I didn’t dare to tell anyone of what father was doing to me. I came to learn that no one would understand, they would not like me anymore, just like father told me back then.

Humans are strange creatures, when they are weak they seek out help but when helping others they have to think twice before doing it.

I forgive you for taking away mother because I was becoming afraid of what she might do to me if she found out. I don’t like it with father here but after getting used to it, there is nothing left for me to fear.

Yea, there is one more thing. I no longer call appa, appa or omma, omma. They have long lost the title as appa and omma in my heart. Appa has done a hideous deed and omma was away on a business trip. Who should I put all the blame on?

But I forgave them all. Maybe it had something to do with what father always whispered to me after sex. I’m not afraid to say that word, why should I? I’ve done nothing wrong.

He told me that the world has abandoned me, that no one loved me except him that we would always stay together. My life ahead was long and I would have to spend eternity with him. It felt like a fucking curse.

I dreamt of you every night, you would come here and rescue me. Not like a knight in shining armors, but as my brother and maybe lover.

Little fantasies pulled me through the most.


We meet again, but everything changed.
You came back with a Korean girl this time. I picked you guys up at the airport, you were so happy, holding her hand with a goofy grin on your face. She was pretty like the spring, flower bloomed where she walked, guys were swoon of their feet by her beauty and not only that, and her character was completely natural. Her gentle nature was something new to me, she cared about my welfare.

I was happy for you because I knew that ‘us’ was impossible, a dream for me to cling onto but never realistic. She could give you a future with family and kids.

She asked me like a curious kid and at the same time gave me advises of what I should do to become a better person. I listened to her with elephant ear but when I was alone again, it made me wonder if my life would ever change.

Father greeted you like the lost son he had missed during all these years. You introduced her to father and I understood that you were serious about your relationship with her. You were thinking of proposing to her. Father gave you his blessing and you told us that you had planned the wedding to take place here in Seoul.

I was shocked and had completely cut of any connections I had with the world. Afterwards when father told me to buy groceries because he was going to hold a party for you. I went out to buy the groceries and you followed me.

You talked none-stop about how wonderful she was but I didn’t listen at all. My ears were closed just as my heart. It was to protect me from any further damage that could be inflected by this family.

“Su are you listening to me?” No I wasn’t and continued picking out fresh vegetables and meant. We should hold a barbeque party and invite our neighbors. My thoughts were ahead planning for the party. I just wanted to take my mind of anything connected to you, your fiancée waiting at home, your new life in America, a life without me in the picture.

“Are you mad I didn’t tell you before?” You were so gullible, but I wasn’t going to tell you the truth and it tugged my heart to see you close to a woman.

Why did you pick her? Is it because of her beauty? Her fair skin? Or did you really love her?
More than me?

All the questions in my head made me dizzy, I felt sick and a sudden urge to puck made me storm out of the store and lean on the wall in the alley. I held a hand over where my heart rested and punched the place. ‘Stop hurting, please stop beating so fast.’

You rushed out of the entrance looking around after me. I studied your worried face, wrinkled in worry and you were chewing on your inside-cheek and licked your lips.

Sweat ran down my forehead but the pain had reduced and I walked out of my hiding place.
“Hyung.” You turned toward me and opened your mouth to scold me, but before that I embraced you.

“Welcome home hyung.”

Changes are not always welcome.

You moved out the following week saying that you didn’t want to bother me when the exams are coming. Father was more than willing and allowed you to move out, he even paid your rent.

I let you go because I knew that no matter what I said it wouldn’t make sense to a stranger’s ear, for my feelings for you were let unknown all this time.

I cried again as you moved out. The sun was at its top, the summer breeze choked my please for you to stay and a pair of strong cold hands once again held me back.

What could I have done besides watching you leave?

It was a time changes came along, unwelcomed changes. Father began to act more aggressive and I knew nothing of how to control him, his normal temper rose and calmed down, he was unstable.

He didn’t stop his tortures but instead added a few more sick things. He started to make me dress us as a girl, wear make-up and use women’s underwear. If I protested he would strike me without a second thought. At the beginning I thought it was only a temporary faze that would fade away.

As time went by and he continued I could only accept what he gave to me, no sounds made, no more defenses were heard and I slowly got used to it.

It was as if father knew of my feelings for you. He became more possessive of me, or more like obsessed. My freedom was condemned and I was held captive in my own home while you were out searching for the perfect wedding dress.

I saw you in the city’s heart once, at night when I was on my way home from extra-tutor.
The five-star restaurant was illumined in light and candles. The decoration was so high class with expensive carpets, tables and style etc.

You were sitting in the corner and whispered something into Eunhye’s ear and the waiter came to your side. You made your fiancée blush in embarrassment while you yourself looked pleased.

Hyung if it was me sitting there next to you what would it feel like. Would you whisper in my ears as well?

Your intimacy made me mad of jealousy. My heart hurt at every word you said, at every touch you made.

A car honked and I came back to reality. There was already a person waiting for me at home.

Wedding dress.

You looked so dazzling you the black marine suit and she was beautiful in her wedding dress. The two of you looked like a couple made by heaven, so compatible and sweet together.

Same as always I could only look at you from afar.

But father had other plans in mind. Before we set off to your wedding he placed a puck in my ass, and made me wear a woman’s undergarment. I could feel myself getting hot, the pluck was just hitting my sweet spot as I sat there immobile. I inhaled deeply and forced myself to clear my mind.

The person sitting next to me was getting aware of my strange condition and stared at me. I was panicking, what if I fainted then everyone would know of that I was wearing. No please no.

This might be the last time I saw you. Please got let me stay conscious.


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