
Mar 22, 2011 20:41

Pairings:YooSu ♥ YunJae (Knowing myself well there will be a lot OT5)
Warnings:OT5 and lame story, not edited
Genre:Romance, life

| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆| ♥ ゚☆

Amidst all the dancing bodies one was more obvious than others. His body moved according to the beat, his arms seductively made small ministrations that indulged women and men alike to an erotic sense. This man didn’t care about those who secretly stole a few glances at him, or even dared to accompany him on the dance floor.

He simply enjoyed himself and did what he liked to do the most, dancing.

In this nightclub, only the invited once could enter. It was located in the heart of Seoul where business of all kind flourished. Where love could be bought and traded, where essential instruments of live could be found. And underneath it all was Black Rose.

According to the Russian mafia it meant vendetta to the very last breath, but here in Seoul it was just another name of a club. Take heed that this club was different. The numbers of each night’s visitors was estimated to be fewer than five hundred on the three floors.

Each floor offered different kind of service. Don’t misunderstand the term of service and think of something bellow morals, but not so far from what was actually going on the floors. It was all about freedom and release. To be given the freedom that the society had robbed these people from and give them release in any form, that meant to exorcise the pent up within you.

On the second floor, above the ground where a balcony offered rest to those who were exhausted and didn’t have the strength left to party. Here sat a group of men, they were preying upon the dance floor for a new piece of flesh for the night.

The rough beat from the music challenged the girls who sat on their lap, or beside them to dance and distinguish themselves. But none of the men seemed to pay any attention, for they were bored with these cheap and thoughtless dolls. They offered no challenge and continued to grind themselves at these men. One man in particular had two or three women roaming over him, for it was hard to truly see the mixed up bodies under the obscure light.

From this man, power and domination oozed out. His intense stares dared those around him to come any closer if they didn’t know what he had to offer, for it was a mixture of pain and pleasure to such extent that it was worth living ten years less.

A girl around twenty or so took the deliberates to lean her c-cupped breasts on the man and moaned into his ears, it was a trashy and dirty, like those beginners for porn starts that were faking an orgasm.

“See that boy over there. I think he’d be to your liking.”

His hyung by his left whistled after inhaling a heavy drag of his cigarette and leaned back into the flesh made sofa. This man looked not his age, his forever young face and childish demeanor was often mistaken for a teenagers. Behind him was an America Latina beauty. Her lush full chocolate hair puffed with volume, her black mini dress showed off enough of all her private parts yet this was not a strange sigh at Black rose.

His hyung leaned back into those full and round breasts, which was like a head cushion for him. Aggressively he took a handful of the woman’s hair and pulled at it. She didn’t wince, only let herself to be controlled and opened her mouth when the man kissed her roughly. She mewled like a cat and her eyes closed. She expected the blue pill that travelled across the man’s lips and entered her.

After swallowing it she groaned out in whatever pleasure and nice feelings that those pills evoked.

His hands were brought up as he caressed her face, for she had sunken back into a delirious state, unsure of what was happening around her.

“I’ll go take a look since this it’s boring me out.” By boring him out the man indicated that those women who had their legs open for him to initiate anything improper was not alluring enough to make him aroused. It bored him out completely.

Without even bothering to correct his cloth the man set off to the middle of the dance floor, to where his new prey awaited him. The night would go to waste if he didn’t have one satisfying partner, if so the world was really not worth living in. For him, it was all about power and sex.

They crashed into each other on the dance floor. None of them really bothered by it, more than pleased when the bodies around them pushed them closer to each other. Listening to the music they moved accordingly, it was a ceremony based on the sexual attraction one could feel for the person in front of them.

The taller one snaked his arm around the other’s waist, pulled them close enough to press their chest and soon other parts to no distance. When the exotic and electric man before him spread his legs and teasingly traveled down to his groin, idly yet meaningful, he let out a groan.

“Where have you been?” It was simple question meant only for the man that was performing an exclusive dance for him, on him and all over him. This time there emotions that swelled up inside him, urged him to engage himself a little more to this man, because something lustful woke inside of him and the beast stirred to wake when the man’s hand kneaded his inner tights.

The music was still there, but compared to their engrossed kissing and deprived touching none of them cared for what was happening around them. No words were exchanged, no formalities and names brought up. It was all about the burning sensation that enflamed their libidos, to satisfy the need to savage the red canvas at hand.

“There, harder.” Demanding little kitten had his legs wrapped up tightly around his waist, he met every thrust the man had in store for him, and was pulling the man tighter to himself. He knew his body well, well enough to discard the unnecessary limits people chained themselves to. For sex without pain was not pleasure, pain and pleasure together was the absolute Minerva and he decided that life was short enough to not waste it.

When they were done, both collapsed onto the floor. Both were catching their breath, eventually calm and able to think properly. Their eyes met and in that instant something clicked, for both smirked maliciously. “You want to take this somewhere else?”



genre: life, pairing:yoosu, genre: romance, rating: nc-15

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