Bunny: YooSu (B) HLR

Apr 22, 2010 21:43

Pairings:Yoochun ♥ Junsu
Warnings:kinda dull
Genre:Romace, fluff(atleast attempt of it)
Summary: How hard is it to save your unrequited love from drowning?And then preform HLR?

-Second year Park Yoochun is the leading now with five meters ahead. Can he keep this up or will Kei Nakashima take the first place?

Before the lady had the chance to finish her sentence a choir of cheers broke out around the swimming hall. Outside and inside hundreds of girls were waiting for the champion to climb out from the pool and greet them with his boyish smile.

Junsu was one of the many, he hid behind the bars on the second floor and hoped to catch a glance of Park Yoochun, the most gorgeous and talented boy from so far beyond the seas.

False rumors spread like flies, about he was a child of a blond woman who lived on an Island and new how to swim like a fish. To Junsu it was funny, how jealous people would go around and say those stuff, because he knew that none of it was true.

He had done his homework and knew just like everything about the boy, from his favorite food to his favorite position to sleep in.
Yoochun swum with his true abilities and that is an unavoidable fact.

Junsu brushed away his bangs and kept staring at the figure that would disappear at any moment. The boy was so brilliant, he had charisma and made him stand out a lot.

Junsu’s heart skipped a beat when Yoochun turned to the crowd at the second floor and waved. His smile shone up his world. He looked like a God. Wet water drops on his body sparkled like diamonds and gave his pale skin another tone, more masculine.

So this is what love felt like. Junsu couldn’t avert his eyes even if he wanted too.

Love is somewhat mutual, not every time. But in this case it was.

As time went by Junsu kept up with his studies at school. He didn’t belong here and never would. His classmates treated him like pest and no matter what he did…nothing changed.

His obsession with Park Yoochun never faded like his belief in life. The man was his life-candle. But after the last Swimming competition in Igyung the boy disappeared from the swimming world without a trace.

Junsu was devastated when he started high school. But now that he was in second year he assumed that after one more year of enduring it would all be over.

During lunch was the time when Junsu needed to escape from reality. The pressure of being inside his classroom was too great. He wasn’t claustrophobic at all. Just uncomfortable around people in general.

His escape was the rooftop, close to Mother Nature with great view. And not to mention there was a pool there. No one used it, now days it was only for show. It had been used last year Junsu had heard.

He rested himself against the grind and slowly darted to sleep. The sweet feeling of summer sun resting on his body and then sometime cold breezes shaking him mad him lay down. It was quiet until the silence was broken by the sound of water.

At the beginning Junsu didn’t realize where the sound came from but when he listened to the sound a little more, he made out that it was the sound of bubbles and someone was drowning.

He jumped to his feet and glide down from the rooftop. Junsu saw someone fumbling in the water and used his arms as paddles to keep himself up until someone came to his rescue.

Without second thought Junsu jumped in and closed in to the panicking person. He caught him in his arms and that’s when the boy stopped struggling immediately.

Junsu threw his arm around the boy and started swimming back. When he managed to pull the boy, no, man out of the pool he was shocked.

It was Park Yoochun, the charisma and talented swimmer.

No sign showed that the man was alive. He didn’t breath, his chest wasn’t heaving. Junsu preformed all the HLR stuff from step to step he had learned. But it was at the last step he stopped.

This was Park Yoochun, the man he had a crush on and still has! How could he just kiss this man on the lips, it would be his first kiss.

No! What was thinking! A person might die and he thought about his first kiss. He needed to perform the last step!

Junsu put a hand on Yoochun’s forehead and used two fingers to hold up his chin, so that his tongue wasn’t blocking his airway. Then Junsu prepared himself, took a deep breath and pushed everything inside Yoochun’s mouth.

It was difficult considering how small his mouth was and his lips could barely cover Yoochun’s.
Junsu felt his cheeks heat up when he felt something poking back to his mouth. His body went stiff and he didn’t dare to move an inch.

A soft and slimy thing was roaming in his mouth, and then he understood that it was a tongue. It searched within him and licked every stop in his mouth. He felt exposed hovering over the man and leaving his entire being unprotected.

A pair of hands slowly travelled up to his back and made circles there to ease his anxiety. Yoochun was gentle with his caring touches, not to scare him off. But Junsu was scared and now confused.

The mouth covering his didn’t stop working its way, making him pant and shudder. This was too much like a dream. After a while when the pure touches turned to groping and caressing his ass,
Junsu lost himself. The stroking above his cock made him feel caged and closed in.

Somewhat he had ended up under Yoochun and the man knew just how to make Junsu whimper with his every touch. He was so familiar with Junsu’s body, start from his clavícula and then blow in his ear. Then one hand squeezed his ass and caressed his hair.

Junsu couldn’t keep it in him anymore and moaned Yoochun’s name.

When Junsu realized what he just has said the spell broke and he looked into those brown chocolate orbs. He was lost like a kitten and had no idea where to run off to.

Yoochun held him in a tight grip and refused to let go when Junsu tried to escape.

-Hush baby. I’ve received your love.

Yoochun dived into the hot canvas again and this time Junsu responded more than happily.

A/N- Actually I had this HLR class yesterday and then this just popped up inside my head. how wonderful it would be if this really happened...>.<

pairing:yoosu, bunny

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