One night Beijing chapter 8

Mar 31, 2010 18:58

Title:One night Beijing
Pairings:YooSu, little mix between Yunho, Changmin, Jaejoong (I don't know)
Rating: PG for now
Genre:drama, AU
A/N: This will be a short chaptered fanfic.
Summary:A promise to fulfill he heads toward Beijing, where he is going to meet the wave that swept over Asia like a tsunami.

a/n-seriously this is the first time I have ever written so much for one chapter!!!
This will be NC-17 and shit I didn't know I was so obsessed with Rated stuff. This time I wanted to end it fast but -.- as if that ever happened. So this will be a warning of NC-17.
And dear readers don't forget that in next chapter it will be in Yoochun/third pov.

Inside the station thousands of fans filled the place. Together we waited and our heart bet in one rhythm. How he wished that Junha was here with him, beside him. But it all was too late, nothing could change the outcome of his sisters destiny.

Sitting alone he felt so little and lonely, not to mention embarrassing. Behind two friends waved at him when he constantly looked back. They asked him questions as where he was from and who his favorite singer was. Proudly he told them Kim Jaejoong and Park Yoochun. The girls squealed that he liked two of the fantastic men.

They waited in anticipation for the concert to start, some girls had binoculars as big as melons and behind him another old lady brought forth her camera, long as an arm she extended the zoom and searched for the right angle to take picture.

Suddenly the music started, each member surfaced at the branches of the stage and together chimed “oooao”. Girls were going crazy down close to the stage, thousands red light were visible, beating with the rough rhythm of “Hey don’t bring me down.” The two girls beside me aimed their huge binoculars at the stage for a better view.

Now Junsu seriously regretted that he didn’t bring a big one with him. He took pictures through his binoculars and recorded the entire concert. At a quarter too eight he thought it was over and felt a sting of fear. But soon replay was showing on the big screens and fans screamed on top of their lungs.

Behind him a group of girls had lightened a big screen of their own with the name Sica ♥ Jae. He couldn’t believe it. When he saw that he wanted to drag those girls down to the ground and bitch slap them. Seriously were they thinking? Jaejoong belonged to Yunho and that was it. Their red sting of destiny had already entwined. Inside his head he thought was would happen if he really did that but gave up on the thought.
When the time came for Changmin’s solo “Once upon a rock” Junsu was hypnotized with his voice. He always thought that the magnae of the group did rap and sounds but not ballad. His eyes roamed over the long body, those abs showing when the V-neck suit was not enough in his opinion. He would never stand on anywhere public wearing that. But that is what sold so much and attracts all the girls. In general, in DBSK’s case it was their voice that outshone all the other K-pop groups, their determination and ambition.
Slowly it all came to an end. With the last summer happy song they bide the fans goodbye.

Junsu walked steadily with the two girls. There was something weird about them though. Junsu wanted to buy some t-shirt, phone decorations and cards with DBSK’s face and name on them. The girls said that there were loads of those kind of stud in outside the south portal.

They hurried and ran as fast as we could, but just as they were under the bridge a van slowly drove to past us. Girls were screaming and my friends were all hyper, they knew that a DBSK member was inside and dragged me with them.

Closer to the van some girls were looked monkeys, they jumped on it and tried to take pictures through the dark windows. To their surprise the door opened and by coincidence Junsu stood too near and someone pushed me from behind. He fell hard on his face and something broke, when he rose a pair of soft brown eyes looked back at him. They were gentle.


Junsu was to shocked to speak. It was Jung Yunho in front of him. Oh he was so happy and yet a bit disappointed to see the man. Not that he didn’t look handsome and gorgeous in that …

Something wet fell on his palms and he saw blood. He sensed his face too look for the reason and found his nose bleeding. Shit, was it embarrassing or not to have fallen on your face and broke your nose in front of a member of DBSK?

“I’ll bring you to our hotel. Think of this as an extra service for your injury.”

Junsu shook his head and had problems to speak” noo…oo it’s my fault.”

“Don’t worry. Yoochun needs some entertainment and we all need a good laugh. I think you are just the right person to lighten the atmosphere.”

In the hotel Junsu’s heart was beating so hard, if he didn’t get to see DBSK his heart would explode. That was the feeling.

The hotel room looked big, two beds with comfortable interior. A door opened and Shim Changmin stepped put from the shower. It was like the shower fog still floated around him. Junsu think he saw a dream. Not sure where to look he jumped up from his place and looked at his shoes, which suddenly seemed interesting.

Changmin threw his arms around Yunho and caressed his back. “Why did you go out? I waited for you in the lobby.”

HAHAHAH. HOLLY COW!!! Changmin was speaking Japanese and thought Junsu didn’t understand him. By the looks of it the two singers were more than close. Shit then what about YunJae?? It wasn’t fair and judging by so many fanficions he had read Changmin was the cunny kind.

“I’ve brought back a fan that had hurt his nose. Get dressed Minnie, it’s this kind of behavior that gives everyone else the wrong impression.”

Changmin snorted and was suddenly in a bad mood. “But at least one time was true.” At that Junsu gasped and didn’t know what to believe. So Yunho had been cheating, once. This was more than he expected.

“I’m just going to buy some water.” Junsu hurriedly said and dashed outside. It was kind of hard to breath after that both singers had confirmed that HoMin has actually happened. He didn’t know if he should jump in happiness of think reasonable, which was, Yunho had failed Jaejoong.

Behind him someone coughed and when he looked back the person eyes him suspiciously. In a hurry to explain all words came out at the same time, which made Kim Jaejoong laugh at his clumsiness.

“So how are things going with the group Junsu asked in English?” It wasn’t that hard to interact with celebrities and DBSK was just like any other guys. They wanted to be treated normal and Jaejoong was more than willing to talk with someone outside the circle.

“Nothing is as it seems Junsu.” Jaejoong told him after Junsu explained the fan’s crazy obsession with YunJae and YooMin, also that the couples could be different sometimes. “The man I loved has failed me so many times and I’m not sure if I can find it in my heart to forgive him anymore. He falls into that fox’s trap every time and when I tell him to be aware he says there is nothing to be aware of. He is so naïve Junsu.” After a long pause Junsu felt like saying something. The treatment Jaejoong had received in love wasn’t fair.

“Jaejoong-ah” He started, after seeing so many Korean movies he had learnt a few words. “Maybe it’s not that fox’s fault.” It was weird to call a man fox and Junsu knew who Jaejoong was talking about. With big eyes and disappointment in his eyes Jaejoong looked down. Another one who didn’t understand him, his love for Yunho and his situation.

“Yunho is the person at fault. Don’t you see that no matter how much charisma he has on stage, that doesn’t follow him back home? He says he loves you yet he so easily let’s himself fall into Changmin’s trap. Is that true love? Let me give you an advice. Don’t let him have the upper hand. Play by the rules and don’t only follow your heart. In the end you are the one who will get hurt.”

“Junsu it feels like we’ve know each other. I would never have told this to an stranger, no offense but this makes me see things so much clearer.”

Junsu flashed his adorable smile and Jaejoong felt something burn inside him. A fire that someone had extinguished by force. “Should we go to the lobby and see if the others are there?”

They had ordered;yaun yang hua gwo, ma la tang, yu jian ro si etc. It was all to Jaejoong's tast since he liked spicy food so much. Junsu had helped him with ordering since he was just a little better at Chinese than Jaejoong. Beside him Park Yoochun was staring at him non-stop. He felt uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do than twisting in his seat.

When the celebration for their wonderful concert had started, all the staffs have finally showing their true colors after a few drinks. They complained to the members about how they should understand that it wasn’t easy being staff and even some shed tears like babies. Things were really going out of hand.

He went outside to breathe some fresh air and though no one had noticed his absence, when someone tapped his shoulder. “So you leave after one night without saying goodbye?” The voice sounded serious and Junsu still didn’t remember anything.

He took of his glasses and recognition was visible. “I’m so sorry Yoochun-shii.” He tried to go back but a pair of strong arms captured him. “I missed you since that night. Do you know how adorable and cute you looked, when you passed out on my bead? I wanted to ravish those plump lips and hear you moan under me.”
Junsu was red as a tomato and didn’t know what to do. He fidgeted under Yoochun’s arms when he felt hot breath on top of his neck. “Park-shii you are drunk. Now is not the time to discuss.”

“Bullshit. I’m cleared than ever. There is something about you that fascinates me, maybe the duck butt of yours which I want to touch so much.” A hand groped him and Junsu jumped up slightly. “I think I like you, you know? I’ve been thinking about you since last night and nothing and NO one has occupied my mind for so long.”

Junsu was so embarrassed. A man was somewhat telling him his feelings and no matter where he grew up Junsu was still not so used to intimate relationship. And the man behind him was Park Yoochun not to mention. His ass was being groped but he enjoyed the feeling. Inside his head, turmoil was flaming up. This was more than against his belief, he was on dangerous ground.

“Thank you for thinking about me. It’s time we head back to the others.”

“Would you like to stay over tonight Junsu?” Yoochun had been more than friendly to him during their celebration. Jaejoong had said that he wanted to spend more time with Junsu tomorrow and Junsu also wanted that.

“Ok, sure but is there room for me?”

“Of course Junsu. Jaejoong hyung and Yoochun hyung are sleeping in respective rooms so you can sleep with one of them.” There it was again, the magnae had opened his mouth and dark clouds were formed above Jaejoong’s head. He walked towards his room. Yunho tried to stop him, saying that he wanted to talk and don’t keep avoiding him anymore. It was all said in Japanese which they though Junsu didn’t understand. Jaejoong three the door shut in Yunho’s face and locked it.

Yoochun pulled Junsu with him to his room and threw him on the bed. “Now let’s finish what we did last night.” Junsu backed to the wall.

“Please Yoochun. This is all a misunderstanding.”

“Sure you say that now. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be making you begging for more.” Slowly Yoochun crawled over Junsu’s small frame and they locked eyes. At that time Junsu didn’t notice that his being tied. When he tried to back to the corner of the bed ne noticed that he couldn’t move. His arms were tied behind him. In a blink of eye Yoochun pulled down his pants and had freed him from all his garments.


“If you keep calling for help they are going to come in and see you naked. And I’ll tell them that you seduced me.” Junsu’s doey eyes blinked twice and he held back his cries. This is not what he wanted. The shame of being held by another man was too great. He didn’t dare to opened his mouth.

Yoochun worked his, starting from Junsu’s lips. He licked them and kissed him but Junsu still wouldn’t open his mouth. So he bit down instead and that made Junsu gasp in pain. In that mille-sec Yoochun thrust his tongue inside his mouth and explored. His tongue was entangled with Junsu’s and tasted the small man. It was a taste off virgin and he knew even before the taste. Junsu’s eyes were staring to blur because of the tears clouding his view.

Yoochun licked hands were doing their work with caressing his body, touching all the sensitive spots which Junsu himself didn’t even know he had. A hidden feeling started to grow.

His nipples were erect after Yoochun rounded his tongue around then and then refused to touch him for a second.

Yoochun enjoyed the sight of being on top of a man and doing all the work. He loved seeing his partners in pleasure and beg him for more.

Junsu closed his legs like his life depended on it. And he knew that once Park Yoochun succeeds to open his legs it was over.

Yoochun returned to his little candy butt. This time he was more aggressive, he bit Junsu’s nipple which would leave a bruise tomorrow but it was all for the pleasurable foreplay. Still the younger refused to surrender to him, refused to let his mouth open up and moan in pleasure while his eyes and body singled to Yoochun to continue with what he was doing.

It was a fire down his abdomen, a tingling feeling that didn’t go away no matter how he turned his body.

Yoochun took each leg in his hands and then pulled then wide open revealing his treasure. It made Junsu whimper when the cold air touched his hardened member. The sight to Yoochun was all juicy and smoking hot.

He bent down and played with Junsu’s nipple while his mouth butterfly kissed Junsu’s stomach. It was feeling great, he finally had this beauty under his mercy, and how he wanted to swallow him whole and never let him leave the bed. Yoochun used his finger and genteelly brushed it on the hardened member.


Finally his duck butt had let out a groan in pleasure and that made Yoochun’s own cock twitch in his pants. He needed to let it out, because his pants brushing against his member’s top was too much for him and he wanted to be inside Junsu when he came.

“Baby I don’t have any lube so this will have to do.” Right after that Junsu felt something soft against his rear, and then he understood that it was Yoochun’s tongue. He tried to get away but Yoochun held his leg in a tight grip.

Yoochun licked from his rear to his sack and used his hand to play with Junsu’s hard cock.
He released his cock from his pants and proudly let Junsu get a good view of the cock that would make him scream in ecstasy. Junsu’s eyes were now staring at the huge cock in front of him. There was no way that thing would fit inside him.

He cried and cried. Begged Yoochun to stop and release him while his body reacted to Yoochun’s every touch. Everything was wrong. He knew well of the process of being taken by a man, he had read that but this was so different. Junsu didn’t want to sleep with a man, less that let someone fuck him. It was going to hurt as hell and no matter how much Yoochun prepared him.

Two fingers were in his mouth, coated with his saliva. “This is the only lube you’ll get.” Why was Yoochun so rough with him? Did he even love him? Junsu believed that sex was not love, love making was love. What Yoochun did to him was sex, brutal and painful which it would be later.

The fingers entered him, trying to get pass his first butt ring and it stung as hell. Yoochun was stubborn and didn’t let Junsu’s begging stop him.

Junsu felt the burning sensation again, it made him hot all over his body especially where Yoochun touched him.

“I love you baby.” Did he hear right? Did Yoochun just say that he loved him? His mind was thinking of the possibility of what Yoochun just said is true. No matter what, it couldn’t be. Yoochun was the singer of DBSK while he was just a normal soon to be university student.

“Please stop toying with me. It hurts. Please I beg you, pull it ..aah out.”

Yoochun just shook his head and disappointment was visible. “You still don’t get it Su. I really love you. This is the first time I’ve ever wanted someone so badly. When I saw you chat with Jaejoong I was burning with jealousy and wanted to punch him when he held you hand. All signs telling me that I love you.”

Junsu doubtfully looked at the man. While Yoochun confessed to him again, he also continued to play with Junsu’s member and teased his nipples. They were now red and glistening. Yoochun moved down south and swallowed his member whole. Took it deep in his throat and sucked his all his might.

*Plup* he let go and started into Junsu’s eyes intensely. “I love you and I’ll prove it too you.”

He kneeled on his knees in front Junsu’s butt and used his rear’s moisture and his already leaking semen to prepare his cock for entering Junsu. Junsu widened his eyes when eh though that Yoochun was going to enter him, but instead felt only his cock poking his rear.

“I’ll enter you now.” Yoochun told him as if mentally preparing him for the pain. His legs clenched to Yoochun’s sides and wanted to go and hide. God it was so embarrassing.

His eyes were once again filled with tears and he panted heavily. His inside was resisting Yoochun yet the man pushed inside him. “I want to be inside you Su. Please relax or else you’re just going to hurt yourself.”

He knew that Yoochun only wanted the best for him. Wait, did he know? Then how?

When Yoochun was only half inside of his he felt like dying. The pain tore him apart but somehow he wasn’t as scared as before. It was as if a warm hand was on his shoulder encouraging him to accept the man.

Yoochun was so hard that it was almost painful to be in the air rather than inside Junsu. But he didn’t want to hurt him and only wanted him to enjoy. When Junsu kept resisting him it was frustrating that Junsu didn’t trust him, or his feelings for him.

“Do you mean it?” He heard a whisper from Junsu. It wasn’t clear at first but then he asked him again, this time with more need and courage. “Do you love me?”

“What have I been telling you all this time? I L.O.V.E. you be pronounced so that Junsu could really get it.”

The younger was thinking deeply but then as if something hit him Junsu’s changed. He looked at Yoochun with hunger and pleasure in his eyes. It was such an erotic sight that Yoochun was horny beyond saving.

He penetrated Junsu this time without failure and then rested in the warm canvas. It was the best feeling ever. Junsu was so tight and warm, clamped his cock tightly and squeezed him when Junsu tried to move.

“Untie me then. I want to touch you.” Yoochun saw hope in front of him. Junsu accepted him and let him enter him without resisting him. He was embedded in love and happiness.

Yoochun untied Junsu and pulled him up. His hardened cock was so erect inside Junsu. It gave Junsu a hard time adjusting to Yoochun’s lap and then threw his arms around his shoulder and rested his head on Yoochun’s neck. There he shed the last of his tears silently and Yoochun waited for him to finish. Yoochun was so understanding he thought. Even when he was poking so hard inside him he still let Junsu have his own peace before he was ready.

“I love you.” He whispered.

Junsu had no idea what time it was. Someone beside him poked him and called him to wake up. When he slowly opened his eyes he saw Jaejoong bend over him and his cheeks went bright red, but thank god it was early in the morning about four o’clock and Yoochun wasn’t awake yet. The covers hid his naked body and he was thankful to Yoochun for covering him after last night.

“Do you think we can talk? There is something I need to talk with you about.” Junsu nodded and then remembered that if he was naked then Jaejoong could absolutely not see him.

“Jae can you go out and wait for me in the lobby?”


When Jaejoong was out of the room Junsu hurriedly put on his shirt and when he was going to bend down to pick up his pants a searing pain ran down his spine and cold liquid flew down his tights. He face flushed deeply red as he though back of his night with Yoochun and how the fluid got inside him.

He squeezed his butt shut, he wanted to save Yoochun’s seeds inside him. It felt so good to be full and he longed to feel the sensation again, of Yoochun ejaculating his hot seeds inside him. Oh gosh, had he become a pervert? O.O

He dressed up and went to the lobby. There Jaejoong sat with a cup of tea in his hand and stared outside the window.

“Hey Jaejoong. What’s up?” He asked and sat down. His butt hurt and when he sat down he was afraid that his now so loose rear would open up if he relaxed.

“I thought about what you told me yesterday a lot. No matter what, Yunho is the only man I love. I never fell in love with him, love was always there, so there is no way I can fall out of love with him. I want to hurt him so badly and let him have a taste of my pain. Do you think it’s selfish of me Junsu?”

He thought over it and didn’t want to say something that would initially ruin YunJae. But if the Yun had jumped to Min and made YunMin then he was going to agree with Jaejoong’s plans.

“If you are sure that he has hurt you then I don’t see anything wrong with it. A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. But have in mind that revenge will backfire and then it’s you who will be hurt.”

“Thank you Junsu. You have been a great help and…”

“Jae count to five seconds and then say I’m over him already.” Jaejoong had no idea why but just obliged. When he counted to five he said “I’m over him already.” Then he looked back and saw Yunho three meters away. He looked hurt and tired.

Junsu leaned forward and whispered to Jaejoong. “I just helped you to set your plan in motion.”

Jaejoong smirked evilly and studied Yunho’s features.

Suddenly Junsu’s phone rang and he fumbled in his bag. “Hello?”

“Ge where are you? You have to get back now. Junha is in a critical condition. My mother has bought you tickets for a flight at six. Hurry back!!!!!”

Before Taemin finished Junsu was already dashing towards the entrance of the hotel. Jaejoong followed him and asked him what was wrong. In the streets he called a cab and just before he stepped inside he handed Jaejoong a note and told him to give it to Yoochun.

“Help him Jae. He and you are so much the same.”

“Boarding flight 751. Please check in.” He just went with the flow and went on the plane. Until he sat down Junsu was edgy. Inside him he wanted to cry. Junha was going to die, if he didn’t see her for the last him he was the worst brother ever.

The flight had set of and a cabin attendant was going around asking if someone wanted a drink. When the smell of tomato juice reached Junsu’s nostrils he wanted to throw up. Gosh he was so tired. He had left Yoochun in a hurry and didn’t even get time to bid goodbye.

No way would he ever meet the man again unless he would want to visit Asia. This would be six years later, after his graduation. He really loves Yoochun. The man was stubborn and selfish, yet he did nothing without considering other people feelings.

“The plan will arrive in Prague international airport in half an hour. Please fasten your seatbelts.”

Outside rain was falling heavily, just like yesterday night.

The rain would forever remind  him of Yoochun. And the time he spent in Beijing summer 2009.


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