Ship meme stolen from
spuffy_noelle Six 'ships you are into right now:
1. Emily/Nolan (Revenge)
2. John/Sherlock (Sherlock)
3.Troy/Abed (Community)
4. Sybil/Branson (Downton Abby)
5. Leslie/Ben (Parks & Rec)
6. Jaime/Brienne (ASOIAF)
Three 'ships you liked but don't like anymore:
7. Sheldon/Penny (Big Bang Theory)
8. Morgana/Gwen (Merlin)
9. Eric/Sookie (True Blood)
Four 'ships you never liked:
10. Ted/Robin (HIMYM)
11. Troy/Annie (Community)
12. Aria/Ezra (Pretty Little Liars)
13. Emily/Jack (Revenge)
Two 'ships you're curious about but don't actually 'ship:
14. Nolan/Jack (Revenge)
15. Abed/Jeff (Community)
Why do you dislike 11 so much? (Troy/Annie)
Well, it’s not really a SO MUCH thing. I guess I just never felt the chemistry. I love them as friends, and actually do ship Annie/Abed/Troy (they both have enough chemistry with Abed to make it work in my head), but as a stand alone pairing I’m just not interested.
Who is someone you know that 'ships 14? (Nolan/Jack)
Um, no one I know of. Sadly I know few Revenge fans and (much less sadly) most of the ones I do know are on the Emily/Nolan train.
What would be your ideal scenario for 3? (Troy/Abed)
They realize their feelings for each other. In my head, Abed realizes first, but doesn’t say anything until Troy figures it out too. Then they’re really awkward until they make out a whole lot, and live happily ever after, the end. (Allowable variation: They invite Annie along for the ride).
What is your favorite moment for 1? (Nolan/Emily)
You know you love a ship when your reaction to this question is I CAN ONLY PICK ONE!? even though the show has only been on for thirteen episodes. I guess I’ll be boring and pick the beach scene from last episode. She actually talks about her feelings with him. And of course his sheepish attempt to put his arm around her made me shipper heart go pitter-pat, and her “don’t do that” was perfect. Also, look at his little smile after taking his arm back:
Plus, as
olga_keepout pointed out, this is the first scene where Emily doesn’t run off at the end of a conversation as soon as they are done plotting.
Honorable mention goes to the scene at the shooting range, because she told him all about her childhood trauma with the reporter. For someone who doesn’t trust anyone, she sure does trust him with a lot of private information about her past.
How long have you been following 6? (Jaime/Brienne)
Hmmm…a little under a year, AKA the first time I read A Storm of Swords. More precisely, definitely since I read That Bath Scene, though perhaps a little before that.
What's the story with 8? What made you stop liking/caring? (Morgana/Gwen)
Morgana’s entire personality transplant circa Series 3 made me give up on her character entirely. I was excited about the idea of her going evil, but it was executed so poorly that I had to give up caring about her at all, which means I also gave up caring about any ship involving her.
You have the power to make one 'ship nonexistent. Choose from 10 or 12. (Ted/Robin vs. Aria/Ezra)
Aria/Ezra! I find Ted/Robin annoying and I don’t like their romantic dynamic, but they can be funny, and I like their relationship as exes. Aria/Ezra, on the other hand, is responsible for 90% of what I dislike about an otherwise very enjoyable, if completely ridiculous, little show. It is a weird, co-dependent, inappropriate relationship, and the fact that it is portrayed as Epic Love makes me want to gag. Not to mention that even if it weren’t so inappropriate, it would still be boring as hell.
Which 'ship do you prefer, 2 or 4? (John/Sherlock vs. Sybil/Branson)
I just watched Downton and fell in love with Sybil/Branson literally this week, so part of me wants to say them. But I’ve liked John/Sherlock for longer, and more intensely, and it hits more of my favorite ship tropes, so in the long run that definitely wins.
What interests you about 15? (Abed/Jeff)
Complete crack pairing here, but I really do like how they both challenge each other in different ways. I don’t see this having any long term potential , but it could be VERY interesting as a brief thing. Sadly, there is no fic.
Why did you stop liking 7? (Sheldon/Penny)
Mostly I stopped caring about the show, honestly.
Did your waning interest in 9 kill your interest in the show? (Eric/Sookie)
Not in the way this question means. Sookie/Eric was never my main reason for liking True Blood - characters like Layfette, Pam, Jason, and Jessica all had and have much larger places in my heart. HOWEVER, Sookie/Eric was so boring and omnipresent in Season 4 that it did decrease my enjoyment of the show in the same way disliking any major plotline might.
What's a song that reminds you of 5? (Leslie/Ben)
“So Happy Together” immediately jumped to mind, so, uh, that I guess.
If you could have any two of these pairings double date, who would it be?
Troy/Abed and Leslie/Ben, clearly. IMAGINE THE CUTE LOVING GEEK EXPLOSION OF AWESOME. I want this fic now please.
Have 2 kissed yet? (John/Sherlock)
Only in fic, sadly.
Did 4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Sybil/Branson)
So far, yes. I really, really hope they do have a happy ending in the long run, too, and I think they might on the show. Though given that they are living in Ireland in 1920, their lives are definitely not going to be easy.
What would make you start 'shipping 14? (Nolan/Jack)
I don’t think I’m likely to ever ship it hardcore, really. But I rather like the idea of Nolan having a bit of a crush on Jack, and I would love it if that became canon. It would explain his fixation.
If only one could happen, which would you prefer, 2 or 6? (Sherlock/John vs. Jaime/Brienne)
Sherlock/John. For one thing, it would be revolutionary in a way Jaime/Brienne wouldn’t. For another thing, I’m pretty sure that even if Jaime/Brienne did or does happen, one or both of them will end up dead, so I’d rather have the ship with a happy ending. Plus, I can get my “reforming baddie/kickass women” fix from Spike/Buffy, whereas there is a lack of hetero life mates turned lovers in the canons I like. (That said, I hold out hope Jaime/Brienne actually will happen in canon, while Sherlock/Jack clearly will not).
You have the power to decide the fate of 13. What happens to them? (Emily/Jack )
Emily realizes she can’t be with Jack without putting him danger, and sends him off to Haiti, where he stay forever while the show goes back to focusing on all the more morally corrupt characters I actually care about. (Sorry Jack. Even your adorable bromance with Nolan doesn’t really make me care).
Which of these 'ships do you like the most?
Currently Nolan/Emily owns my soul, though Troy/Abed has and will always have a very special place in my heart for being PURE MAGIC. So… Emily/Nolan at the moment, but Troy/Abed in the long run.
Which do you dislike the most?
Aria/Ezra. Kill it with fire.