We finally finished porting the Artech game engine to the iPad2, my part being the iOS side of things with Dave (our lower level engine guru) taking care of the OpenGL rendering glue. Though of course I end up having to fix things in the OpenGL side when iPad specific problems get revealed (that's how I got a crash course in OpenGL shaders and shader debugging).
Anyway, it all works now and you can see screen shots of the first game using it, Cloud Ship Traders, at
http://www.artechstudios.com/cloudship/welcome.html It's a decorate your world and spin the resulting 3D globe with your fingers game. The decorating part includes painting islands with your finger and then placing all sorts of 3D objects (vegetation, buildings, animals to even a UFO) on it, while harvesting clouds for resources. You can download it from The App Store for free - I implemented advertising and in-game purchases for the money making side of things.
I'm taking a couple of years off for a sabbatical. This time I'm moving on to studying Ruby and Java with a plan to make a community theatre support system as an exercise in programming. Plus maybe some Haiku work too.