Dec 03, 2007 00:44
I suppose it is uninspired to make an entry called "First Entry". Bah. I don't feel creative right now.
Ooh! My lappy has finished backing up it's hard drive. That's good. (Yes, I can be ADD at times, but so can we all).
So, I started this LJ mostly because I felt like having a blog somewhere that I could occasionally rant at. I used to try to do this just by creating files on my computer, but seeing as I like to keep my hard drives clean...I figured I'd use someone else's disk space! Besides, I'm feeling a touch out of the loop now that I'm at college, where it seems that all of the people in the organizations I'm in, have a LJ account and a Facebook account. I haven't decided whether I ought to get a Facebook account yet. We'll see. It isn't like I really need another way to waste my time on the computer. I mean, IM, email, and IRC are enough as it this will likely be a place where I dump all my insanity when it piles up too high. There might be story fragments, discussions of experiences I've had, descriptions of how I really do hate computers...and other stuff.
But, as with many things in my life, this will likely not be updated regularly. C'est la vie.
Andrew Meyer
"Memento Mori Ergo Carpe Diem"