Another Personality Quiz

Aug 17, 2008 11:34

Got this from jon787:

Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...
HFDS - The Coach
Humanity, Foreground, Detail, and Shape

You perceive the world with particular attention to humanity. You focus on what's in front of you (the foreground) and how that is affected by the details of life. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on humanity, you tend to seek out other people and get energized by being around others. You like to deal directly with whatever comes your way without dealing with speculating possibilities or outcomes you can't control. You are highly focused on specific goals or tasks and find meaning in life by pursuing those goals. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.

The Perception Personality Types:

Take The Perception Personality Image Test at ΗelloQuizzy

PS: CellWriter is a fun little program when one has a tablet and Linux--just do not train too many character sets or your time will be spent trying to precisely differentiate between similar characters (such as i, ¡, ⁱ, ¹, and ;)

Andrew G. Μeyer
"Μemento Μori Εrgo Carpe Diem"


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