May 30, 2004 12:52
Gibralter fair yesterday... All I can say is, what an odd and uncomfortable day. I was okay in the beginning of it all. I met Kelso and Candace at the ferris-wheel and we hung out for a while. Then the stupid guys on the next ride had to be assholes. Not to me... just an asshole in general. I calmed down after a few minutes and we went on more rides... But anyway, the entire night I was like this emotional roller coaster. (What a coincidence that we were at a fair with one roller coaster, huh?) I'd get all happy-go-lucky, like I didn't have a problem in the world... Then it would all come racing back to me and I'd suddenly hate myself. (Like that's something different. Huh.) I'd clam up and get all sad for a minute... Then I'd think: God, why me? And then my anger kicks in.... I thought, WHAT THE FUCK?! I mean, I had fun last night no doubt. I was with the two coolest people on this earth, besides Jeanette and Sodapop. I can't honestly say that they were the ones making me feel that way. I just did. Maybe it was the extremely big crowd of idiot people. I hate big crowds, what can I say? I'm a small-town kind of person, I guess. Plus the stupidity of it all... People are so dumb over there. It's Gibralter, what was I expecting? Heavan? ....This entry is wayyyy over-due to be done... Cheers.