Sep 13, 2004 23:23
What have I gotten myself into (again)? I always let my emotions act as my guide and get screwed over, I should know better but I continuously fool myself and then end up confused as I am now. I would really like to be a teacher, the problem is I want to be a good teacher. There are so many bad teachers in this world, and I do not want to contribute to that number and ruin kids lives in the process. The problem is that it is extremely difficult to be a good teacher, or maybe it is that these professors are just making everything harder than it has to be. The assignment I am most annoyed about (besides the GROUP projects >=O ) is the one where I have to teach 3 lesson to a class and tape it and hand in the tapes for a grade. you would think if a person wants to be a teacher that something like this would be FUN and EASY... but I am highly stressed about it. I dont know what scares me more, thinking about teaching the lessons or the tape recording. I never had trouble being in front of a class and teaching when I was a T.A., in college or when I worked in the elementary school. I think the problem is that the lesson plans these people expect us to write are 6-8 pages long and seem to be full of B.S. Last semester I submitted lesson plans that were anywhere from 2 pages to 5 pages, so the 6-8 seems like a ridiculous waste of time. There is no need for a lesson plan that long! Plus they all want lesson plans in different formats. Come on people, there should be one way to do a lesson plan and they should all stick to it, not add in stupid and unnecessary garbage b/c they think that all we have to do in life is the work for their class. Pardon me, but I thought that the teachers were supposed to CARE ABOUT THEIR STUDENTS! That is the number one problem with Hofstra profs, I HAVE MORE TO DO IN LIFE THAN WORK FOR YOUR CLASS!!! I HAVE WORK FOR 3 OTHER CLASSES AND A LIFE!!! I DONT HAVE TIME TO MEET WITH 5 OTHER PEOPLE WHO ALL HAVE CONFLICTING SCHEDULES!!! Today my professor said, "I know you are all adults with lives and that this class is not the only thing you have to do..." I wanted to stand up and clap. Finally a professor who was on our side, who understood that the purpose was to learn and understand the information, not jump through hoops and do stupid and unnecessary tortuous projects schemed up for the amusement of the professor. My social studies professor must be on drugs, how can she lay her head on her pillow at night and feel like a good person? My reading professor too! the others are very cool people, math there are some stupid assignments, and special ed is the most awesome of all because everything is relevant. I think all of my profs so far stressed relevance to daily life as a key factor in the retention of knowledge, but they cannot practice what they preach!!! Bloodclot mofos...if I get any A minuses this semester I swear...