Is anybody else bothered that "sex offenders" and "child predators" are used interchangeably?
I'd expect that from advocacy groups, politicians, and the media, but the state Attorney General? That's not a good thing.
It would be refreshing if just one of these fear-spreading reports would include a shred of context, like how many of those 2,116 sex offenders were actually convicted of dangerous or violent crimes, as opposed to pissing on the side of a building while drunk. Does that mean I'm soft on crime?
It's really easy to hate sex offenders, but it's really hard to watch a group of people get systematically turned into the new scapegoat criminal class. I'm torn. Sex crimes aren't like murder, where there's a dead body and a Bad Guy. The term is just too broad.
We get angry when people do this to illegal immigrants and the homeless... yes, I did just make that comparison.
And speaking of murder, convicted killers don't need to register with the police for the rest of their lives, if they manage to get a non-life sentence with one of those fancy lesser charges like manslaughter or murder 2. That's pretty fucked up.
I guess drug- and gun-slinging gang thugs really are less dangerous than creepy trenchcoat-wearing flashers.