Dec 22, 2008 03:21
well, howdy.
i haven't been on here in a while...
this weekend has been nonstop christmas party time... but i'm going to fast forward to this evening. actually, i should preface this by telling you that my mother called me this morning and asked if i'd like to go to a 'john edwards' event with her. i thought by 'event' she meant a book signing or some crap, so i declined. she returned with tales of psychic, fantasmagorical, mind-reading, dead-people-talking, hocus-pocus. plus, the person she was originally going with bailed and prepaid the $100 ticket and didn't want anything for it. coolio.
ok, now fast forward...
so she picked me up at 7pm and i had NO idea what to expect. i mean, of course i've seen john edwards on tv before, but i've never been so interested that i've watched a full show all the way through. and by nature, i'm kind of skeptical about these talking-to-the-dead sort of things anyway. so we get to the place and find our seats by 8pm. john comes out and starts to read people. his stage is circular and all of the seats are set up in the round, so he wanders around until he gets a 'pull' in a certain direction and then he queries the section to find the appropriate target. he did this for almost 2 hours. he was spot on with every single reading. some people freaked out, some people just stood there in amazement. he came up with exact names, dates, stories, details and intricacies to really prove that he was communicating with 'those who had passed over'. then 5 minutes to 10pm, he walks right over to our section and is all...
"i'm feeling a strong pull here. there's a man- a father, uncle, grandfather figure that is telling me to acknowledge the people who have traveled from out of town... no... out of country... to be here for the holidays. and for some big event. anybody?"
i look at my mom and in unison we both whisper- JESSICA AND MARCO. (my 2 cousins, grandpa's niece and hubby, arrived on thursday night, and they are here visiting for the holidays from italy. they are staying with my grandmother. marco is even sleeping in my grandfather's old bedroom.) we didn't raise our hands but we both sat forward in our chairs, waiting for the next 'connection' to solidfy a reason to jump up out of our seats like gameshow winners...
"i'm being told to tell you his name is george or jerry... or... something starting with a G... gerald... G... does anyone feel any connection to a G name..."
my mom grabbed my hand at this point and squeezed and raised her hand. (my grandpa's name was GERRY and he spelled it with a G, not a J since it was the shortened version his first name, GEREMIA)... but at the same moment some bimbo 2 rows ahead of us popped up out of her seat and was all psycho convinced it was her grandmother's great uncle george coming through for her... she got the mic, they bantered, and john didn't seem convinced.
"i'm sensing some connection to the food service industry. something to do with food. with produce maybe? i'm being shown a cornucopia. YES. a HUGE cornucopia filled with lots and lots of fruit! does that connect for anyone? a man, with a G or J name, in the food service industry, maybe having to do with produce or fruit, and having a connection to out of country guests that have just arrived? anyone? RIGHT HERE. its so strong i'm right here." (he was pointing to our 5-row section and NOT budging).
at this point i could not rationalize the food service connection at all. my grandpa was a cement guy for his entire life. he owned a construction company and that's the only job he ever had. the blank look on my mom's face meant she couldn't find the parallel either. i sat back in my seat. of course, the blonde bimbo decided that her grandmother's great uncle george was there for her... and he had a friend who owned a diner that sold gyros in astoria and that MUST be the food connection. john was absolutely not convinced, but she yammered on and it took him a while to talk her down and continue...
"i'm still with the same man. i'm in the same section. i'm feeling a pain in my chest or torso for this man. the father, uncle, grandfather figure is telling me to tell you that he filled up with water. there was, or is, a lot of water. excess. i'm sensing there was some sort of congestive heart failure involved in his passing. this was a very strong man... he's showing me his muscles... he's telling me he's still strong and powerful. he's a fighter. he fought until the last moment. anyone?"
that fucking blonde retard still had the mic and popped up out of her chair again and launches into some ridiculous story about her grandmother's great uncle george's friend who owned the diner- he had a waitress on staff that died by drowning in a lake... so this reading MUST be for her!! it must be! it's for her- the reading is for her! at that point, john politely told her it wasn't for her but she was so strongly trying to MAKE it be for her, she was ruining the connection. then, i think he was just over it and said thank you to her and ended the show.
as the lights came up, my mom and i were completely dumbfounded. i was like- "wow isnt it crazy, those couple of similarities between the last reading and grandpa? too bad about the food service and the drowning thing though, that REALLY didnt fit." and she was like- "it did fit!!!! grandpa owned a fruit store in the late 70s and early 80s in queens with our cousin sal and his son paul (who incidentally was the person who was originally supposed to go with my mom to this thing)... and next to the fruit store sign they had a huge cornucopia painted on the wall. it was a giant, overflowing cornucopia... and grandpa hated the way it looked. he always complained to sal about it, but sal didn't want to change it. and the filling up with water- it did happen. grandpa's kidney's shut down towards the end and they were doing dialysis 4 times a week to remove the excess water from his blood. eventually his system couldn't take the rigorous cleaning and they had to decrease the frequency. slowly, they got to the point where dialysis was impossible and he started to blow up like a water balloon- don't you remember?!!!?! oh and also- he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure- after the 2 heart attacks and before the heart transplant."
i was never told about the CHF dx between the heart attacks and the transplant because he got the transplant so quickly... and seriously- holy shit- i kind of forgot all about the dialysis. i never knew about the fruit store, so that was a complete shock... and yeah. wow, just wow. everything happened so quickly- like all within 2 minutes... i didn't have a chance to really assess the questions fully. imagine if it really was him trying to contact us from beyond the grave?!!! so insane. so crazy. so amazingly 'grandpa'. i'm so koo-koo for even entertaining this idea for a second, right??
i can't stop thinking about what john would've told us if we had grabbed the mic 20 seconds before that blonde hoochie. who knows what would've happened. i'm so mad at myself for not knowing/connecting the little clues faster.
UGH. so annoyed!