Challenge #11:
Title: Get out!
Book and line used: “But thou art not the reaper.”
Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold by Alisa Kwitney ea. No page numbers.
Word Count: 255
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): /
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): /
Summary: Death gets the door slammed in his face
“Can I help you?” The hooded man actually looked surprised as she asked him the simple question. He thought he would be universally recognized, but these days, there just weren’t any certitudes anymore.
“Um,” he waffled, “I’d like to make this as quick and painless as possible.”
“Quick and painless?” It was the woman’s turn to look baffled, yet she did not turn away.
“You know, dying and all,” Death found himself at loss for words. He always considered himself a fairly eloquent person, but even he had to admit, it was rare he was asked anything. Most people cowered in fear, or pleaded with him, or asked him for the meaning behind his acts. Considering his task description specifically stated he needed to remain vague about that one, he never gave it much thought.
“I did not plan on dying,” the woman waved him away, “Please leave now.”
“I’m afraid you have no choice, um, Ma’am,” Death politely told her, “I make those calls.”
“I don’t think so,” she clearly was losing her patience, “I’ll ask you again, please leave.”
“It’s in my job description,” He realised he sounded snotty, but he was a little stumped, “See? Reapers come to take the lives of the destined.”
“But you are not the reaper,” the woman cut him short, “Halloween was two months ago. Now go, before I call the police.”
“I need to call my manager about this,” Death thought as the door slammed in his face, “There’s just no respect any more these days.”
Challenge #25
Title: New beginnings
Word Count: 295
Rating: G
Fandom: Jericho
Pairings (if any): pre- Jake/Heather
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): /
Summary: Jake accompanies Heather home after she returns to Jericho
“I thought I’d never see you again,” Jake nervously leaned against Heather’s doorway, unsure whether to enter after he’d walked her home or leave right away. After all, he still wasn’t sure what she had gone through in New Bern and later in the allied forces camp, all he knew was that she had come back to him.
“Well you did, didn’t you?” Heather smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, making him question even more whether he was welcome or not.
“You did,” he acknowledged, and decided to turn around and go before he made her any more uncomfortable.
“Come on in,” she surprised him with an invitation, “I think Mary said she got me a box with some groceries.”
“She did,” Jake nodded, thankful for the change of subject, “We’ve been lucky with rations.”
“Good,” Heather just stared around her apartment, making no effort to find the box.
“It’s in the kitchen,” Jake helpfully offered, “Do you want me to check?”
“Please,” Heather thankfully smiled, genuinely this time, “I just feel so out of place here suddenly.”
Jake didn’t know how to respond, instead going into the kitchen looking for something to make tea with, and a few minutes later he emerged from the other room with two cups of warm brew.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He simply offered together with the tea, “I can listen.”
“I just want to sit a while, if that’s alright,” Heather asked, inviting him to sit next to her.
“Of course.” Jake sat down, and was surprised to find Heather seeking comfort against him. He was even more pleasantly surprised to find she still fit his arms like she belonged there, and after all these months of missing her, he now knew she did.
Challenge #23
Title: Thorir’s view
Word Count: 188
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Original (Story of Alfhildr)
Pairings (if any): /
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): /
Summary: Thorir’s POV from a scene described originally from Alfhildr’s POV
I saw her, that morning, hiding in the bushes. She wasn’t doing a terribly good job at it - fortunately for her, she was in my section and I simply walked past her.
She saw, that I saw her. I didn’t judge - I knew it was almost impossible to hide there. She was trapped, and she’d done the best she could. The magic she used, was hasty, and with my knowledge, I could see past that, too. It wouldn’t be long before she would reach her full potential though, and then, then she’d be able to stop us. Them.
I still don’t see myself part of them, even though I’ve partaken in a war I don’t believe in, if only because I have a role to play. I try to remember that, and try my best to sabotage things left and right and do everything in my power to make sure that I fulfil my destiny. It isn’t so much to save my life - I know there’s a future. But it depends on her, and so I let her go, and hoped she’d come back for my sisters too.
Challenge #13:
Title: Don’t go up the hill
Word Count: 279
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Original (Those Who Wander Remain Forever Lost)
Pairings (if any): Rose/Thalia
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): /
Summary: Written after the Haunted Castle trope
“Now this is new,” Alice sourly announced, “The maps are wrong.”
“That is hardly new,” Rose sarcastically answered, “We have been … how to put it … lead astray by your maps more often than not.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Alice sneered, “Yes, sometimes interpreting them is slightly challenging, but the switch points are usually spot on.”
“Maybe we could ask around?” Thalia offered, “The people in this village seem nice enough.”
“I did,” Alice rolled her eyes at the suggestion, simply because she didn’t want Thalia to come up with something sensible in her place, “They said that we shouldn’t go up the hillside anyway.”
Involuntarily, it made Thalia and Rose look up at the hill which loomed over the landscape. The castle dominating the rocks seemed to have its own microclimate, as a thunderstorm illuminated the black stone with which it was built.
“I can see why,” Thalia shivered, “I’m not particularly keen on going there.”
“Nonsense,” Alice, as usual, looked at Rose to make a decision, “Well, we have to find the connection, don’t we? There is nothing else here.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s a great idea to go exploring that castle, or anything near it,” Rose hesitated, “It looks dangerous.”
“Dangerous, how, it’s a heap of bricks set on a hill where there often are thunderstorms, especially on warm worlds like these, I’ve been this plenty of times,” Alice impatiently continued, “Let’s go already.”
“I don’t know,” Rose and Thalia exchanged a glance, “Maybe we should wait until tomorrow.”
“We go now,” Alice decided, “If you want to stay here, be my guests.”
Hesitantly, both women followed their guide up the narrow path.