Jun 29, 2008 22:37
So I was googling marshmallows for fun, cuz I'm a dork like that. You think I waste my time online? I'm not the worst. I found a link to this forum thread for a group of people who call themselves "The Marshmallow Club." It's basically a group of women who like Josh Groban. I thought, "Oh, that's cool, I like marshmallows and Josh Groban. Let's check this out." Well...they don't just like him, they seemingly obsess about him and know lots of things about him and they call each other "Grobie sisters" and they talk about this pseudoland called Grobania and they warn you at the beginning of the thread that there is probably gonna be some dirty embarrassing fanfic about Joshie. Oh my goodness. And some of them seem to stuff their mouths with marshmallows as some sort of act of pleasuring themselves while looking at Josh Groban pictures. It severely creeped me out. I love marshmallows, and I love Josh Groban music, (and yes, I may even find him mildly attractive) but I think reading a small portion of that thread has tainted both of those for me, just a little.
But I'm sure next time I listen to Closer, I'll manage to do so without thinking impure thoughts, and that next time I make myself some s'mores, I won't make any connection between the sweet confection and any sort of singer or musician. I just don't think I'll ever do both at the same time.
And I will never join fan threads or write fanfic. Ever.